I'm just about to make a 577 Snider chamber reamer for an upcoming project
And due to @40mm asking about reamers I thought I should get cracking
Vulcan barrels have all the drills, reamers and button to make me the barrels in any twist from 1:25 to 1:50
I have dies and 24 gauge magtech brass and have made one case from this brass through my dies and happy with the results
I have modified a 550 grain 577 minie bullet mold to drop 620 grain flat base bullets
What I'm hoping to get from a couple of forum members ( on loan just to measure ) are some fired and sized 577 cases
I want to look at what the various brands of dies re size to do that I can make my new chamber reamer to cover most or all of the available dies in NZ
Most guys will have Lee dies
I have British made ones that fit in a standard press
Vulcan won't be making these barrels for a few months yet
But I'm getting two
@40mm sounds like he might want one
@Scout is always keen for big bores
Anyone else want a brand new chrome molly or stainless steel 577 barrel for cartridge rifle or muzzleloader ?
I have two frames to barrel ready to go
First is an 1869 Swedish rolling block sporting 16 gauge shotgun frame. These were made from sold out of service 12.7mm rimfire service rifles.
Having been a 16 gauge shotgun the hammer nose is already modified to feed the 16 gauge case so the smaller 577 snider 24 gauge based case is a nice easy fit
Second I might stub and barrel a Baikal 12 gauge single barrel to 577 snider ! Why ? Why not !
And I will be building a stainless steel 577 muzzleloader as well. Totally utilitarian proper hunting ML that hit hard and makes big holes in protein
Standard Snider case should take 100 grains FFG under the 620 grain bullets