that slip on recoil pad will be needed for that!!!!!!
that slip on recoil pad will be needed for that!!!!!!
75/15/10 black powder matters
if fitting recoil pad,leave it as big as possibly can......and when YOU want to fire up rear cavity behind buttplate and slip in a snug fitting cylinder filled with lead from memory we could fit close to half a pound in ours...helps soak up recoil but because weight is at shoulder it doesnt effect handling or swing.heck my pump 12ga has 11oz in it!!!
75/15/10 black powder matters
There was a pound of lead in the butt of my .72 cal musket but it made it slow and sluggish
With it out the rifle came alive at 6 pounds even
But it also wears a slip on butt plate also !
As long as there's enough steel left around the edges it could be done I think.
1 1/4 (I assume UNC) has a tapping drill size of just over 28mm and 7/8 has a major diameter of 22.2mm.
Drilling and tapping the hole dead straight would be the most important thing.
Thanks for suggesting these options
Alternatively I'm still looking for a second press
I have missed a couple...mostly because of my stupidity
But will explore your options
@Boxton My RCBS press has a removable bushing to use snider and M-henry dies but was too short for 50 BMG so have Lee 50BMG press also if you wish to use them.
Thanks Ted
I'll take you up on that
Great to meet you last night
Sorry we didn't get to talk more
At some stage I feel that meeting some fine fellows as Micky Duck suggests from this forum is going to become a higher and higher priority
Especially if said fine fellows foul my feed with such finesse and fine items such as modern snider building and use of appropriate size tools
Well I'm doing it anyway
But would like The reamer reader to be of use to others who have different dies
Sure I can make it sized to what my dies and magtech actually are
But if I think it's a good idea there's a chance other equally ##### guys might want to try it also
I have
20mm tool steel for the reamer. Special order for the really big cases and enough for 5 reamers . So other big bores could eventuate
Three suitable actions
Vulcan has all the 577 barrel making tooling on hand now and likely to make my first run of barrels in around 2 months time
I can make the chamber reamer while I'm waiting for the barrels based on the bore diameter specs from tooling makers
If the pilot is a fraction large I can reduce it on the tool and cutter grinder even after hardening and tempering
Reamer will be 6 flutes with full size rim and proper lead at the neck for potentially as big a 750 grain bullets
Have you thought of making a second, undersized reamer for making dies?
Yes and no
Dies are out there
The big presses are currently an issue
But if being used in original sniders they are unlikely to need a full sizing after forming and firing
I can form cases for guys who need a few
I just want a little more data from other guys case / dies combos to calculate the reamer size that will work for the majority
Could just make for my dies and magtech but they might be under size for others to use the reamer
ok....SO why not go old school and make whackamole dies for it....pretty sure thats what sf90 was doing on the old forum...I will see if can find thread where he showed his dies,which were made at home... would save a LOT of faffing around would it not???
75/15/10 black powder matters
FishnHunt - New Zealands Famous Hunting and Fishing Forum Since 1995 - Black powder and the cheap ass
on pages half way through..he still using press but not as we know it.....![]()
75/15/10 black powder matters
I got my two 577 Snider Bertram cases from @Fssprecision today and compared them with my own made cases formed from Magtech 24 gauge brass
Very happy with the comparative sizes
As I expected the Bertram rim is 0.35mm larger diameter
Magtech rim is 0.15mm thicker which is a surprise
Case base is 0.1mm smaller on the Magtech and this was probably not touched by my dies
All other dimensions are very close
Now I just need some kind forum members to submit their fired and sized cases to increase the data set before I draw up the final reamer dimensions and cut into my huge diameter piece of tool steel
Something fired and sized from the more common Lee dies would be great