Happy to try it on Stewart Island next time I'm there
Happy to try it on Stewart Island next time I'm there
That's sort of what its intended for
During the roar I was off hunting on my own one day ( the guys I was guiding had celebrated a bit hard the night before ) and I got onto a couple of stags in the bush.
Had my modern single shot 7mm RM and wished I had a vintage rifle in hand.
Went bush for about an hour and saw 17 deer all shootable within 75m. 12 hinds and 5 stags a mixture of ages.
I shot a 10 pointer that would have been an easy shot with open sights and anything 45 cal or bigger would have left a decent blood trail if it was still standing.
This A&N had been brought before the roar trip and was wending it's way to CHCH.
I did shoot a deer and a billy goat with my 1885 45-70 on that trip.
But I was just getting over having had Covid two weeks before and honestly I carried the 1885 for a number of days ( can't bear not to have a rifle in hand even if I'm guiding someone ) and felt like something 4 pounds lighter would be nicer to carry.
With the bonus of it being light enough to have in the hands more of the time and not on the shoulder.
The Church of
John Browning
of the Later-Day Shooter