Hi all long time reader first time poster I'm after information on minimum barrel lengths for rifles. I have a 7 08 I'm going to cut down as a bush hacking rig wanting to go as short as possible any info is greatly appreciated
Hi all long time reader first time poster I'm after information on minimum barrel lengths for rifles. I have a 7 08 I'm going to cut down as a bush hacking rig wanting to go as short as possible any info is greatly appreciated
I cut mine to 18". With H335 powder I can get 125gr projectiles to 2950-3000 fps.
Did you supress yours as well?
are you going to suppress it that and if you want to cut your stock if using an overbarrel my determine how short you cut it back
Yes I'm going to supress it I'm quite happy to cut the stock up if I need to
Start from the premise that by far the most deer ever shot in the bush or otherwise have been with 27" or so 303's and work back.
To me if you go too short you lose utility. 18" plus 3.5" forward for a DPT works good for me. Then you can pop one on a slip at 400 yards if need be and have something quite manoeuvrable as well.
Ace86, first determine how far back the suppressor you intend to use is going to go back over the barrel.
Then you can decide where it is going to get cut.
DPT do a mini centrefire suppressor for the likes of the 16.5 inch Bergara takedown, the overbarrel length is a bit shorter than standard so the stock doesn't have to be modified.
Currently 762mm overall length in it's operating configuration. But that is not going to leave much barrel left....
if you trimm to 762mm typically you get about 12-13 inches of barrel
short barrels need a suppressor, they get very loud.
id go around 18ish inches as a do all bush rifle
if it never left the bush id go 15 inches