8 Attachment(s)
Bino Harness DIY
Made a Bino Harness and Range Finder holder:
Attachment 42889 Attachment 42890
First I measured out my binoculars then made some paper templates.
Attachment 42891
Once I figured out how much material, straps and buckles I needed I went to one of the Op-shops in town and bought two second hand bags ($12 total)
Attachment 42888
and unpicked them.
Attachment 42893
I thought it would be a good idea to make a pouch for my rangefinder as a test run. It was, I learnt a lot, especially what NOT to do.
Here it is, sewing faults and all.
Attachment 42892
After revising what I did wrong with the Range Finder pouch I cut out the patterns and started sewing. The revisions paid off and it came out alot smarter.
Front and Back . The back has a mesh pocket that fits a large cellphone and other crap.
Attachment 42887 Attachment 42886
I haven't sewn since my Intermediate school manuel classes some 20 years ago. Not bad for a first attempt.
It only cost $12 but took ages; about a day to make. I'd like to camo it up, so might make a few changes.
I haven't cut the excess off the straps yet, I'll wait to wear it out hunting first to see it sits alright.
Good work. My bino harness has elastic straps, they're good at the start of a trip but slowly stretch and by the end its hanging closer to my belly than my chest. Maybe I should follow your lead and improvise a solution.
Might be a good solution @GravelBen, the straps were the easiest out of the whole project to do. If you can't find second hand ones they're pretty cheap at Spotlight $3.00(ish) a metre.
kiwi ingenuity ;)
its cool fun making stuff, used it, test it, take it home tweak/rebuild. 100% custom to your needs.
Sewing stuff like that is pretty much the same a fab/engineering so most blokes should be able to do it.....just plead ingnorace when you bust the missues sewing machine punching through 6 layers of webbing ;)
Was talking to a guy today who used the term seamSTAR,
I think it's spelt seamster but I like my spelling of it.
Harness 2.0 will be a camo version, I'm on the lookout for an old camo coat/bag to make it from.
No sewing needles were broken in the creation of this piece of kit.
3 Attachment(s)
Here's Harness 2.0
Attachment 45835
I found some camo material for the right price, so I re-made both the range finder pouch and the bino harness fixing the few issues I had with it.
Attachment 45836 Attachment 45834
Nice work Blue Arrow, if it does the job you want then what more could you ask...thanks for sharing.
Thanks double shot. The 1st one did the job too but had a few little annoying things wrong with it.
I'm kind of enjoying being able to tweak the things I don't like about it.
Wish I could do it with some of the store bought stuff I've bought.