If your in the depth south. Talk to Andy at Coating Supplies Ltd, he should be able to sort you out. Lechler have some etches, a black 'wash etch' would be best, as you don't want build just rust protection and a bond coat.
This is a single pack etch;
or for a 2 pack etch use Lechler 29107,;
For top coat a Black automotive base coat catalysed with 2 pack fast hardener, should give you the finish, light even coats give a flatter finish (less is best, just get proper cover for protection).( check comparability with primer.) you could also use camouflage colours.tans greens browns.
Spies Hecker Spectroflex maybe another solution, would need to check durability and gloss level.ask Andy.
If you want to paint your stock, you can get a soft matt finish with this ;
Spray out test panels to test and make sure of the finish you require. Let me know if he can't do small quantities or point you to someone using these. The main problem will be the quantities, hardeners come in 1 litre. But if someone is using these in the area you can sometime buy just the amount you require. There maybe a car painter who could do this for you.
Coating Supplies Ltd
82 Clyde St Invercargill 9810
03-214 1840
