I would try what Tommy said,some sort of angle grinder attachment will be the easiest to use with the least mess and has the bonus of removing any corrosion and keying up the surface for priming.
I'm not super familiar with paint strippers, but the ones I've used just loosened up the paint so still needed to be scrapped or scrubbed off. Having the rough surface may make this less than ideal.
Spec strip is what we called it, not sure what the full name is.
Was horrible stuff to use, the fumes put off were horrific and the tiny bit on your skin would burn like crazy. Worked well as a paint stripper though.
I'm taking a day off.....read really freaken sunburnt, going to potter inside the caravan today!!!!!
Ive been using a Norton product, a Blaze rapid strip, and as long as you don't sit it there on one spot it works a treat! I've just gone through my second one, the trick is not to sit there in one place as i have used it once before of one of my trucks i repainted and i soon learnt to watch for the metal overheating.
where i can't get into an area thats just too fiddly I've a set of wire wheels with various heads that I've used, I've even just taken to areas with a wire brush. The problem has been the odd textured aluminium sheets, they i have water blasted the buggery out of them, wire brushed the hollows and lightly buzzed the tops, its moved the bulk but there are a few odd spots of paint.
I've then gone over it again with an orbital sander, except the rivets, I've been real careful around them, i tried a spot sand blaster from super cheap..........that was possibly money better spent on lotto!
Now Im getting to the exterior paint selection and options. Ive keyed the alu so now I'm looking to etch, prime and then undercoat, working out if its cheaper to do myself or pay? I've got no issue in learning how to do this myself, but what things would cost me to do this as apposed to someone set up to do it is something I'm taking into consideration? mind you if i buy stuff its mine for future random projects??
LOL........... i will post a pic of the garage and you will laugh as to how true that statement is!!!
sadly sitting in the caravan I've noticed a couple of areas that will need some work, yep the dreaded rot!!! I'm actually not not that bothered as it will give me the opportunity to run some 12 volt wiring for some future ideas!!! but i know its going to be a pain in the butt!
similar on the other side just higher! Owell! look at the chance to rewire a tad!!!
sorry about the grainy pics but this is of the left hand rear (looking inside the caravan)
Last edited by Tertle; 16-11-2017 at 01:08 PM.