I've been busy dismantling a few 60-70yr old pines. Once they are on the ground (always the fun bit) whack them into rings making sure the knotty bits are off to one side. As I am young, stupid and don't like going to the gym I use this strange thing called a splitting axe... Except for the knotty ones that get the saw chopping the ring into square blocks. Know of two others folks that don't bother with the axe and keep a spare saw set up to cut with the grain and do all theirs that way
I've been doing it this way for a few years but the pine I sell (prefer to burn macrocarpa or native) has anyone noticed a difference in burning between split wood with the axe vs cut blocks of wood? With the surfaces being flat I imagine they take a bit more heat to get started, being knotty bits ensures they throw a bit of heat so outs a bias on it...