Keep an eye on Ebay or Trademe for a buggered Night vision unit. That way you will have a fast front lens, eyepeice and the power supply can most likley also be used. Most of these tubes will run on 3vt.
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ok any nightvision unit e.g gen1 will still have an ok lens and eyepiece?
oh wow this is neat might have to give this a crack too !
ok think im sorted for a lens, doing as beavis sugeested, $35usd 50mm f1.4 off aliexexpress. as for the eye piece, im thinking that would need to be of reasonable quality? do you think 8x is ok @Beavis or any other comments on it?
An 8x 6 dollar loupe is what I am using, while I wait for my PVS 2 eyepiece from the bloke in Israel.
so are the 3 parts to the night vision ? front lens the intensifier tube and this eye piece correct ? did you get the rubber eye piece beavis ?
Lens for Varo Night Vision Monocular Eyepiece Device Rubber Eye Shield Ring | eBay
Yip your onto it. I Got the one without cuz I'm cheap
So I went for a walk with the missus down to one of the local parks. It is a good test because the trees block out the majority of artificial light from the houses. It is a mostly over cast night, with quite a bit of moon glow on the ground and clouds. Note that my camera is just a cheap digital jobby with an F 2.8 lens, the sight picture is very crisp and clear with the naked eye. I did my best.
Taken in almost total darkness, couldn't see down the path. Some light is leaking through from houses though, but none perceptible with the naked eye.
The following pictures were taken under a good amount of moon glow. I couldn't see Amy up the path with my eyes (they do suck though).
The fence is 15yds away I guess. Was too dark to make it out at all.
Same fence from I'm guessing 5oyds away, taken under trees. The fence was shrouded in total darkness and where I was sitting it was totally dark.
Looking at Amy under tree's.
Looking under the trees towards the foot path, about 75yds away. I could see it clearly but it didn't show up in the photo.
Looking at Amy down the end of the foot path
What you see out on the street
Most of these photos were shot with the "gain" set to half way or three quarters. Set to full in total darkness.
Shit Beavis, that's bloody great. I can see myself having a crack at one of these too. Btw, does Amy always walk around at night in a bikini?:thumbsup:
those pictures look great, hey beavis whats the diff between the american intensifier tube and the British one ? much the same ? found that forum you must have been looking at from the states but no one mentioned the usa one from Israel they where all buying the British one
I read that the British ones have a power supply cut off if they are exposed to bad light, I'm not keen to try, though I did expose it to light once accidentally and it didn't appear to do damage. This thread has a little Varo vs EEV debating Night Vision Forum at • View topic - Cascade night vision project I think for our purposes it will be much of a muchness. I have learned a lot through the course of this project, but some of the technical jargon is still way over my head.
A bunch of stars you can't see with the naked eye
It's clouded over unfortunately
bloody impressive results for not much cash outlay - fine work