I should draw a wasp. I hae this idea of a wasp and inlayed the yellow and black on it. Kinda have it so it looks like its about to sting up on the end of action stinger pointing towards the muzzle. I reckon it'll look shit hot a wasp theme on a rifle
On a .22 Hornet, or a .17 Bee! :cool:
Even better!! A hornet on a hornet. Good thinking 99. Remind me when I'm 30+and a master gunsmith and I'll do it. Also somehow checker a hornet on it
4 Attachment(s)
Attachment 22417Attachment 22418
I really like the sunburst effect in the middle of this page...
Attachment 22419Attachment 22420
The old Auto 5 has a lot of real estate for engraving :)
That was worth breaking my neck :D
I like the top ones but those pattern ones don't do much for me. I saw a book at a mates place that showed some guns, Beretta big four I think it was they had amazing engraving on them.
That museum is on my to do list next time I'm up in Virginia, for sure.