Hey @keengunNic
I have a Howa 6mm Creedmoor with the 7.5” twist. I’ve only shot the 108gr ELD-M. It’s a bug hole shooter and I can’t really see any need to change bullet at this stage.
The challenge is COAL - I can seat the ELD-M at 2.850” without worrying about concentricity, that’s 0.015” off the lands and it comfortably fits the AI style steel mag. If the bullets were much longer I’d be worried about eating into a bit too much case capacity. I haven’t got the list of bullet lengths handy but I remember looking at them all and decided that unless I had a longer throat I’d be best off sticking with what I’ve got.
I’m not particularly interested in squeezing every last drop of velocity out of it, at 2950fps it’s a stone cold goat killer as it is, been using it at 400m+ out to about 600m and it flies very well and punches a nice fat hole and drops them on the spot.
Sounds like you want to go semi-custom or full custom which is cool, so it’s all about the throat... freebore and leade and making sure you can seat the really long bullets comfortably not too far in, or out, of the case. And then of course the magazine.