Looks really nice so far greghud. Are you going to stain the timber at all or keep as is?
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Looks really nice so far greghud. Are you going to stain the timber at all or keep as is?
iam using a hand rubbed boiled lindsead oil finish, so i it will darken nauraly, i am up to 5 or 6 coats now and i is looking bloody nice, but i do like the BLO finish.
i have not update for a while so thaught i had better.
well its complete, and i am as hooked as a crack addict!
the powder horn throws 50 grains exactly so that seemed a no brainer.
i cast up a bunch of .495 round balls and used cotton patch material soaked in hoppes elete black powder cleaner/lube. easy.
i will have to chronograph this load but needless to say, the recoil is a pleasant shove and the groups were a tennis ball size, i figure thats as good as my aim.
time for a hunt!
took a young fella out from work who was keen to try out a "big banger" so i sugested he use my 45.70 and i would take the .50.
we were out scanning for a goat on a block that is being over run and realy need thinning out. what better a chance to blood the .50
we bashed our way through heavey cover and came around a bend in the river to see a few goats out feeding on a rocky bluff, they were a long way off, far to far for an accurate shot with a 45.70 and a peep sight and an as yet untested fifty front stuffer.
but i saw a rock that if we snuck up to it we would be underneath the animals and may get a good shot.
sure enough the plan worked, i was realy hopeing to get the young bloke onto a goat with the 45.70 as he had not shot it before. but he was not confident that he could take the shot at the distance we were from the goats.
i guestimated it to be about 120 mtrs, i was feeling quite confident that i could take the shot, so i handed the camera to him and asked him to video the shot for me.
i settled the bead over the chest as it fed and set the trigger, as i saw the shot present, i touched off, all doubts were settled when the goat emphaticly dropped instantly, the 50 works!
a photo of where i was the rock where the goat was is almost directly above the barrel and slightly left.
next project is to take a deer with it.
Fantastic :cool::thumbup:
Excellent :thumbsup: Similar feeling to catching trout on a rod you built yourself and flies you tied, you must be stoked !
Awesome work
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Brilliant GH, cant wait to see/hear about your first deer kill.....
And wearing a forum Bloody Blue Blazes too by the look of it, on yer Greg, well done!