anyone built themselves a f class style front rest?
looking for ideas
anyone built themselves a f class style front rest?
looking for ideas
The mechanisms in joystick rests can't be duplicated cheaply. In the end, you'll probably end up with more expense or an inferior result if you pay someone to do it.
The mechanism doesn't look that hard:
i have mocked up a quick version, toying with the idea of a lead screew for height adjustment over the rack and pinion. locating a reasonably priced/sized rack is an issue
@Thedirge - Look for an old drill press with variable height machine head - or an old vertical milling machine with variable height machine head.
You'd need to set limits on vertical height adjustment of the fore end rest.
Also develop a pinion arrangement that could be operated, without interfering with the joystick handle.
As you say - it could be done.
As @6x47 says - it could be done but how much $$$'s are you prepared to spend?
More than the cost of a standard rest?
Isn’t the fun in making it?