Unable to get a chassis in NZ so f*ck it I am CADing my own one. Once I am happy with the 3d printed one I will get it CNC'd in China. (Purple = carbon fibre) Yellow = aliminium Attachment 254051Attachment 254052Attachment 254053Attachment 254054
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Unable to get a chassis in NZ so f*ck it I am CADing my own one. Once I am happy with the 3d printed one I will get it CNC'd in China. (Purple = carbon fibre) Yellow = aliminium Attachment 254051Attachment 254052Attachment 254053Attachment 254054
If anyone has suggestions on improvements / changes I am all ears
Why not talk to @robhughes-games at HG precision about getting the cnc work done?
I'd really need to see an assembled mock-up to make any comment, and preferably with an action sitting in it. The dimensions would also be informative.
Where is the ar-15 pistol grip?
Do you have a picture of the action?
So what is the story? Are the May actions exactly like Barnard used to be ? Or they are a different kind of a horse?
They are a swap in replacement externally for a Barnard P, sorry only link I have is, https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid...64202306087539.
"Ar15 pistol grip" I am a bit concerned I dont send the Police into a fit at the moment if I mention such so I will have a grip but will probably CAD and 3d print my own one.
Well I'd just like to say .....
If this actually happens , then it's next level in my opinion and I seriously " take my hat off" to you .
Is there a way of contacting Mr May? You can pm me if you want . Thanks.
This is what Ive found out via another forum, not sure if its true or not tho
Same footprint and diameter as Barnard P - drop in for most chassis/stocks
Same barrel thread & dimensions as Barnard P
Remington trigger hanger, BYO trigger
Interchangeable bolt faces
Tikka extractor
Black Nitride finish
Bolt release lever, allows for direct bolt extraction
Fixes several Barnard problems, eg primary extraction
Length adjustable firing pin
"Remington trigger hanger, BYO trigger" yes
He's supplying me with a trigger and a scope rail, The scope I have is a Golden Eagle. I have a 32inch 1:12 truflight palma barrel set aside for me by Mike Collins.
"Interchangeable bolt faces" I like this feature, I might try F class at some point.
The chinese will likely not be interested in "firearms parts"
NZ customs will likely not be impressed either...
You will want to have your paperwork done...
As for feedback on the actual design. cool project! and very good start.
My suggestion would be to detail both the action and the stock more, making sure you have not forgotten anything. then "test" with the 3d printed parts to make sure everything fits (which you are already doing), and most importantly works/feels as you have intended it, before you manufacture it out of aluminium. Seems you are on the right track.