I've always been one to have a project or two on the go. Then there's the ones still in the "planning stage" i.e. they only exist in my imagination.
Well there's nothing like a deadline you cannot negotiate an extension on (Christmas), and kids would have to be the toughest of all the negotiators to deal with! So when I mistaking thought out loud 3 days before Christmas about an idea that may or may not work...well the pressure to deliver was all on!
String line and inclinometer dusted off
Holes dug, posts in, concrete mixed and poured.
Guy wires, main cable tensioned and clamped (that sentence sounded flippant... this was a challenge)
I used basic trigonometry to calculate the forces involved. Let's just say there isn't much redundancy in the 6000kg rated components. But if my theory is true, then it should all be good:thumbsup: