Mate rang up today"Done that gun for you" so I mumbled something to the missus about taking the recycling to town and shot in to pick it up. Pretty happy how it turned out. The gap between the dovetails was quite big so he ended up tig welding the hanger to the barrel, but at a glance you can't tell.
Gave everything a good clean and oil then assembled. Out of curiosity can anyone give me any info on the gun. Date of manufacture etc,or point me in the right direction of such info?
Did a quick mag dump at 25m leaning on the fence to make sure everything still worked. Needs a bit of fine tuning but still shoots minute of rabbit....Although I must be getting old because I don't remember the sights being that hard to see!
Thanks again for all the input guys,really appreciate you taking the time to help out.The old gun looks better than ever and will now spend many years making more memories with the next generation of our family.
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