People showed a bit of interest in the shields we were making for stags we have shot so here's an attempt at outlining the process and end process (the 8 is just there as a place holder until my wife's 12 is ready)
Made some forms and laid out timber in a way that gave river where we wanted it (think ahead about mounting and where you might need to put screws, don't want them showing through the epoxy from behind
Poured a layer of colored epoxy with metallic, you have to stir the metallic as it sets or it all settles to the bottom and looks flat
Added some projectiles on top of colored base then poured clear (should note you should paint the timber in epoxy before pouring to reduce bubbles
Ran through thicknesser and squared edges on table saw, fine sand and buff epoxy, oil timber
Then made a column and base, used heavy timber for base to add to stability, 45 degree angle on top helps with balancing with antlers so actually stands better than expected. The vertical pieces were made out of recycled rimu flooring, base pieces are a bit of macro and Oregon I had floating around. Ideally you would match all the timber but this was a bit of a test of concept