Interesting, relatively low tech, barrel rifling.
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Interesting, relatively low tech, barrel rifling.
It gets worse! This fulla is makes his own 4-groove rifling button, but in quite a clever way using square tool steel.
To get the rifling groove-to-groove measurements from a given size square steel you need to revisit your school trigonometry, SOH CAH TOA, or go to an [URL=""online calculator of the diagonal of a square[/URL]
@Cordite please get rid of the fly on the bottom of your post, I almost smacked the laptop onto the floor
Or you could make a button from an Allen key, thd calculator for hexagin duagonals is here:
Such a button would need case hardening, but a BP barrel itself can be out of mild steel.
You could also hammer forge around a hard mandrel ;-)
Or use seam-welded galv pipe..