Right, I left you with the carbon mould being closed up to stick the 2 halves together.
I pulled the mould apart after work this afternoon and convinced the stock to pop out.
Yeah. That's pretty ugly. Gave it a quick trim and it looks like this now:
Where I've cocked up.
There are patches where I was too light on the resin with the first layer and didn't get a full wet out.
I don't think that's the end of the world, I can effectivly give it a clear coat of resin on the outside. Not ideal but I can't think of a better option at the moment.
Demoulding was a bastard. Think waxing the mould over a couple of days next time then a couple of layers of hairspray as a release agent might be the go.
Whats worked well.
I got the carbon in all the fiddly places really well!
I neglected to take a photo of the nice bits around the grip and bolt cut out, sorry. I reckon it looks the part.
My next step is to make the barrel channel.
This will involve some PVC conduit and possibly swearing quietly to myself.
I'll mould the outside of the PVC so the barrel is free floating by a mile. The first 50mm or so I'll just bed with epoxy when I put it all together.