id be game if its a way of doing it cant see problems doing it that way any one with experiance willing to point out pros and cons is this what they call barrel stub method also id go for more 308 type of thing
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or the other way to do it is does anyone have a half decent 7x57 barrel they want to sell or swap ive got a 3006 barrel
@northdude Maaaate. I've got a pre loved parker hale Mauser 308 barrel a week ago you could have for bugger all. I'd have to check the thread tenon to confirm
BUT a comment earlier on this post has me wondering. I have a parker hale 7x57 with a naff barrel and a mint 270 barrel for it-need to have a look and see how long the mag box is. If it gets too hard I'd keep it for the project
keep you posted
ok keep me in mind i dont need a 270 tho iv got a 6.5 06 that covers that base 7x57 would be the one id got for if one comes up
Nope you weren't getting that one if I can help it-I'd much prefer to keep the 270-got a shit ton of stuff ive been accumulating for that.
we'll see
270 fits in a parker hale, had one once but wasn't really my cup of tea.