Duck shooters ??
Fire more shots in one morning than most rifle shooters do in a year (and most times squeezed in beside each other)
So all of us over 50 should have hearing problem who have shot all our life ???? (as SUP's only been in prevalent use last 15 odd)
Hearing damage issue - "perhaps" from work related or congenital origin and possible would have even if you had never touched a firearm.
"Suppressors reduce the impacts on your hearing""
Yes - that's not science that's a simple fact - BUT- is it worth unbalancing a balanced designed rifle - added weight/length etc - for the odd shot ???
That's logical questioning - IMHO
By the way I hated Science at school (school period) and I have no intent to take to it now
Reminds me of an old "cliché"
"if you can't baffle them with BS - dazzle them with brilliance"
I will repeat - (for the hard of hearing) I have two rifles suppressed - an addition, not for hearing protection - but to each their own.
Was hoping to hear other reasons for use (but then maybe my hearing is damaged and I just do not know yet
Someone mentioned accuracy is better - is that on Bi-pod target shooting ????