magazine template
As one of my long suffering projects, I have a hankering to make a fish/perchbelly 303 magazine.
No i have access to a TIG again, this is way more doable
I do have couple of magazines i could do this to but i suppose i should track down a junker to modify.
Anyway the main thing is the template for the side profile and even better a guide on the rounded bottom.
Anyone got one they could do some patterns from?
I got one But for the life of me I cant work out how to post pics on here. happy to send you tracing though if that helps
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Yeah you are just making me jealous.
They come up really nice with some proper walnut stocks
Interesting it has a magazine cutout.
Got one of those on a ruined action but wasnt sure if it was appropriate.
Mind you from what've read lee speed's were made to whatever the client wanted, sort of
The rifles were sporting rifles and as such not only built by the factory but were also customm offering by the bespoke makers of the day and as such were (as you correctly say) built to the way the customer wanted. I have been fortunate in having a number of them in hand and made my pattern from the BSA factory sporting rifle built with the "Lee Speed" action. I built my rifle from a 1901 Magazine L E action, the standard ex mil action with the safety and the mag cut off with dust cover
Joseph Speed made improvments to the action and the patents were applied for in his name