Mini Cannon Firing at Targets (part #1) - YouTube
Looks like a bit of humour
Sent from the swamp
Mini Cannon Firing at Targets (part #1) - YouTube
Looks like a bit of humour
Sent from the swamp
cool.. make sure to make two of those and I buy one off you! Cheers
Make that three and Ill buy one. Could use it to kill the sparrows nesting in my roof. I'm amazed by how grunty it is. How much powder is the guy putting in there? would it be similar to a .22?
Bingo it works.8mm mauser for scale. Gun is a 1/6th scale loose copy of a Bounty cannon. I reduced the calibre to .71inch for safety reasons.
Still fires a ball 80m at max elevation but only accurate for about 10m Uses 5cc of standard muzzle loading black powder. I use a tom thumb cracker wick or fine ground powder to fire it. Powder works better, I use the wifes granite mortar and pestle to avoid static, I still value what little hair I,ve got left. Sound like a shotgun so am limited to home firing on Guy Fawkes and New Year. Grand kids love it.
He must have a lot of holes in the walls
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"Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.
308Win One chambering to rule them all.
Ive had this sitting under my bench for a while with golf balls in mind. Its almost the right size now so boring it to suit will still leave plenty of meat to keep it strong
Sent from the swamp
Don' muck about with golf balls use lead. It would be equivalent of 2lb howitze.![]()
Shit crome did you saw that off the end of a tank or something. WHat schedule is that shit?
Coudnt tell you what it is offhand. Im pretty sure it was brought in to replace a hydraulic ram body.
Sent from the swamp
1/4 pound of shotgun powder and a golfball should go well
Guy at work made a pvc spud gun golf ball sized, with lpg/oxy mix golf balls go threw corrugated iron like it is not there
"Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.
308Win One chambering to rule them all.
If that's a cast steel tube I be bloody careful using it as a canon barrel.
I turned my Golf Ball Howitzer out of a piece of 4140
300grains of Goex FFg BP sends a golf ball out of sight at a great rate of knots.
hmm i do something similar with a water mortar.get an old car tube cut valve out and shove that through a hefty cork.filla 1.5litre bottle about 1/3full of water then bung the cork in.
sit it vertical and connect a bike pump or tyre inflator(compressor powered)and start pushinthe air in.Ive had bottles soar over the house roof at 80psi.ya get bloody soaked though. kids luv it.
another trick i tried was with my little claybird trap. cut a disc of pinex softboard and glues two used anglegrinder cutting discon -one each side.hmm right over the street on to neighbours front lawn that one! Tried an actual clay but it hit my big oak tree out front and burst -scared the shit out of the birds too!