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Thread: More advise wanted re finishing a stock

  1. #1
    Unapologetic gun slut dannyb's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2018
    Oxford, North Canterbury

    Question More advise wanted re finishing a stock

    Hey team with all the spare time on my hands I have been left to ponder another project.
    I want to refinish the stock on my latest acquisition.

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    I have stain left over from my latest shield.

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Views: 305
Size:  4.52 MB

    So my question is, I understand that elbow grease and sand paper will remove the finish on most of the stock but what about the checkering ?
    Or would I be wise to leave the checkering and just stain over it ?

    Thanks again

  2. #2
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    I stripped the origonal finish off my zastava with store bought stripper..a bit of scrub with wire brush got checkering sorted.... oiled it numerous times and havent looked back.
    SS and that dark stain will be diferent to be sure.
    Woody and dannyb like this.

  3. #3
    Unapologetic gun slut dannyb's Avatar
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    Oxford, North Canterbury
    Quote Originally Posted by Micky Duck View Post
    I stripped the origonal finish off my zastava with store bought stripper..a bit of scrub with wire brush got checkering sorted.... oiled it numerous times and havent looked back.
    SS and that dark stain will be diferent to be sure.
    Can I ask what particular stripper as I believe they are not all created equal ?

  4. #4
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    Apr 2015
    buggered if I know mate...was 22 years ago now...shite I cant remember half of last week....it stunk and was potent shite...remember that much.was like glue,clear and thick.

  5. #5
    Unapologetic gun slut dannyb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Micky Duck View Post
    buggered if I know mate...was 22 years ago now...shite I cant remember half of last week....it stunk and was potent shite...remember that much.was like glue,clear and thick.
    Also was it just a hand held wire brush or mounted on a drill type ?

    Anyone else able to chime in and suggest what product to strip the original marlin finish ?

  6. #6
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    hand tools only...we stripped rifle bare,hung it out side and painted the crap on....comeon someone who had done it this century....
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  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Dan - I tend to use sandpapers from med to superfine finishing grades (1200) to remove old varnish and prep surfaces. Don't touch the checkering with paper. Wire brush may be fine if its old. Then its 5-6 light coats of Danish oil which has driers in it. Creates a very nice smooth dry oil finish. Lately I've been cheating on the sanding and using fine plastic pellet bead blaster at mate's garage - this strips old finish off perfectly and needs only fine sanding prep before oiling.

    If you haven't done this b4 lockdowns over, give me a whistle and I will do it for you. Have done heaps of them.

    Micky Duck, csmiffy and dannyb like this.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Use a piece of glass as a scraper

    Sent from my SM-J530Y using Tapatalk

  9. #9
    Unapologetic gun slut dannyb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mudgripz View Post
    Dan - I tend to use sandpapers from med to superfine finishing grades (1200) to remove old varnish and prep surfaces. Don't touch the checkering with paper. Wire brush may be fine if its old. Then its 5-6 light coats of Danish oil which has driers in it. Creates a very nice smooth dry oil finish. Lately I've been cheating on the sanding and using fine plastic pellet bead blaster at mate's garage - this strips old finish off perfectly and needs only fine sanding prep before oiling.

    If you haven't done this b4 lockdowns over, give me a whistle and I will do it for you. Have done heaps of them.

    It's still in Hamilton till after the lock down, I'll definitely take you up on that Mike cheers buddy.
    Sounds like a great option.
    I'll pm you once I take delivery.

  10. #10
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    Jun 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by dannyb View Post
    Also was it just a hand held wire brush or mounted on a drill type ?

    Anyone else able to chime in and suggest what product to strip the original marlin finish ?
    tergo-strip !!
    nasty shit so be careful inc lots of ventilation

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    That tergo-strip was good!! Did great job on few stocks - But - where do you get it now? Haven't been able to find it for years...

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    I use common paint and varnish stripper and a nylon nail brush. Toothbrush in checkering. You may need to do this twice and then clean with water then let dry.
    Then use 400 grit wetndry with plenty of turps. Work down to 600 then 800 grit.
    Let dry then do 800 grit with turps again.
    The use linseed or other drying wood oil mixed with dtain andcturps applied with 800 grit over many days allowingvto dry thoroughly between coats. Final application with high grade 0000 steel wool.
    Then frequent hand rubbing over years.
    Summer grass
    Of stalwart warriors splendid dreams
    the aftermath.

    Matsuo Basho.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by mudgripz View Post
    That tergo-strip was good!! Did great job on few stocks - But - where do you get it now? Haven't been able to find it for years...
    r.j pattersons?
    or a marine shop as it was good on gel coat

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    I will check patterson's. Have done several marlins and their Mar-shield finish comes off ok. Only make I had trouble with was later Winchester 94s - was difficult to get the finish off their recent Wintuff stocks. Yes OO wire wool ideal finisher for buffing stock prior to oiling.
    Last edited by mudgripz; 04-04-2020 at 11:17 PM.
    dannyb likes this.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Far North
    I taped my checkering with masking tape when doing the rest to avoid damage
    I used a scraper blade in edge to remove the varnish
    Then did as above with fine sand paper and finished with linseed oil with multiple coats over weeks
    Just keep giving it more till it stops drinking it



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