I have just brought a still cheap to add to my home brew gear
If you are un aware stills need a Constant water flow to keep the condenser cool while running
For arround 4-5 hours you are running arround 60leters per hour of water
Im on tank water so this is an issue also at this relatively slow rate the pump will keep turning off and on makeing for inconsistent water flow Makeing for fluctuating condenser temperature also an issue
So what I need to make is a recirculateing system with a pump that pumps water into the still and the outlet pipe drains back into the reservoir for the water to be pumped back into the still again
The water coming out of the still is warm so will warm up the water so I will use large blocks of ice in the reservoir to keep
the water cool
I also need to be able to control the amount of water being pumped into the still to adjust the condenser temperature
This is normally done with a small tap on the inlet hose and I geuss i can stick with that to adjust the amount of water flow
into the still
Any ideas ? Pump types what to use as a reservoir (im thinking a old chilly bin)