Cheers, will pick some up this week to try!
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Decided to drill some more holes in the suppressor core at 90 degrees, Probably wont make a difference but i'm the sort of person that cant leave it alone if there is a possibility that it could have been better. Wrapped some scotch pads around the sections and test fired it and was pretty impressed. Looking forward to getting this out on some goats this weekend now!
Yep its a 3 piece design with the tube end integrated into the core. Guess you could make one up as an empty tube to compare but I don't think it would be very quiet in comparison. Inspecting this one after about 10 shots I can see where the burning gasses have been flowing and the baffles definitely seem to be slowing the flow down which is how suppressors work best apparently. Have you seen the "Smarter every day" slow motion video where he records suppressors being fired with acrylic tubes on them so you can see the gas flow? Pretty cool stuff
Interesting thread.
Must be a blowback semi, not inertia. Can't see the latter working in a .22LR.
Well I guess you could call this a success!
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Took the rifle out for a walk with my boy to one of my local spots yesterday, Bagged 8 Goats at 50-100m (one kicked its way off a ravine edge before I could get it), a large Hare at 50m and a Rabbit at 35m. The rifle performed flawlessly, the select fire action was a pleasure to shoot and works really well out in the field, while I don't like the look of the stock it works well in practice - Cant wait to get the reshaping done!, it cycled all the shots perfectly and put them all where it was told to with great accuracy and as my son demonstrates it carries very easily over the shoulder without the chance of it catching on scrub. Over all I was very happy with it on its first outing but I really am going to have to find more mags for it!
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Decent set of horns eh? I know where I left him so I can go back one day and pick up the skull.
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The suppressor worked perfectly and was super quiet! The video is a little hard to get a proper representation of how quiet it is as the mic on my phone "normalizes" sounds so they are all a similar volume, if you listen to it you can hear the sounds of the birds are muted and the volume of the shot is increased for that split second. Bloody annoying. You can hear tho that the sound of the bullet hitting the dirt 50m away is louder than the sound of the muzzle report. In person all you really hear is the firing pin strike and a low thud from the muzzle. On my next range visit I will try setup a camera with a better mic half way down range between the rifle and the target and I will shoot some of the CCI Quiet ammo and see what it sounds like, should catch a small thud at the rifle, the bullet whizzing past and then the strike on the target.
I disassembled the suppressor this morning to check it over after 150 or so shots and found that the scotch pad in the first chamber is taking a fair hit so I will run that chamber without it and see how the others cope over time. I might need to use steel wool or something similar in there. These 22s are filthy mongrels compared to the Co2 and PCP silencers I have built in the past! But the gas flow marks do help to show me where the flow is going and I can see that the extra holes i drilled at 90 degrees are helping to dissipate the gas.
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TBH I wouldn't worry about the scotch pads. the ones I built don't have it and are pretty quiet.
try it without them. You wont have a ringing metallic resonance from the carbon fibre outer unless you are using them to protect the tube.
If anything I would turn the chambers down closer to the centre to make more expansion chamber and make room for the gases
Nice to see the old Beretta getting some action again. They are a very cool old design made back when things were made with a bit of quality. Im glad to see it's getting revived and reused but even gladder that there's one less project in my cupboard.. :thumbsup:
No real traction on this lately, on the last outing I had it on the accuracy seemed to have worsened and it was a little louder than on previous outings. When I got it home I ran a couple of patches through it and felt a spot about half way down the barrel that the patches would go totally loose on, Looking down the barrel there is a large dark ring there so I suspect the is a large bulge in the barrel now - my son had been shooting it so maybe there was a squib and he didn't notice?
I have a couple of other .22 barrels here so will get around to swapping the barrel out at some point and once that is sorted I will attack the woodwork.
it could have always been there, or it might have just happened. The only way to tell is shoot a group and see.
id go more 90 degree holes to loose a bit of weight and get more volume, seems like its working fine so it might only be academic gains not real world feel/sound
I once had a small plastic suppressor that worked ok that had no baffles in it at all
that short little result is bloody good. Iv always liked the beretta for its duel semi/bolt action
I did end up drilling quite a few more holes at 90 degrees which may or may not have helped, hard to tell the difference really. The next suppressor design is already underway in my head with quite a few changes, the section that allows the gases to travel back to the over barrel bit will have milled flat spots rather than holes drilled in it, the first muzzle forward section will be turned down to a much smaller OD and have 4 milled elongated holes along its length and the other 2 sections will be smaller OD and have bigger 90 degree holes in them.
An update after almost a year!
I haven't done anything about the barrel yet, grouping on paper it still seemed to be doing less than an inch at 50m so I might just leave it as is for now.
As some of you may have seen I had a go at some custom stock work on a JW15 a while back, I'm not much of a creative person and really messed it up with a pretty ugly result :( so I decided it was time to send the ugly JW15 stock and the stock for this Beretta away for Zooboy to have a go at them.
The stocks came back today and I am VERY happy with the results! I had sent Zooboy a few pics of some tactical style stocks that I liked and gave him the freedom to do what he wanted, Ill put pics of this one here and the JW ones will go on the other thread as a follow up to that one.
The speckled grey/gravel camo looks fantastic in the flesh and the stippled texture feels great in the hand!
Cant wait to get this out to the range and then out on the hills again.
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my old single shot remington would group like crap if I cleaned its barrel,took 10-20 shots till it settled down to normal reliable accuracy,I THINK the wax etc builds up/fills in any imperfections in the bore. love that you have given an old girl a new lease on life. those goats sure show how good of job you have done. I will 2nd the vote for the 42grn subs.....once you try them you wont go back,the terminal effect it quite a lot better.