I shoot full choke in both barrels and run the Yanky custom tungsten stretch wads that hold a full 3/4oz within the wad, the trade off is the lack of wad cushioning so the lead pellets probably squash up and dont patern as well as what steel or toungsten would in the same wad.
I really only shoot #4 and #5 lead shot now as I like to shoot max range with the little .410 magnum.
My latest experiment with 1oz #5 shot loads and a felt wad in this brass are cranking out at 1100fps and patterning as good as the 3/4oz in the plastic wads. Noticeably more recoil but a lot more lead in the patern.
I was very impressed with the 11/16oz and 3/4oz hot loads I used this duck season and pulled out some really long shots on birds bugging out of the back side of the pond. The longest shots were easy 75 yds and it dropped them clean. I got a nice double when I took my boy out and jumped the pond one evening, one nice head and neck shot and the other in the rear as it was quartering away.. I was supprised to see how many pellets were on the bird at 75yds and how they all penetrated to the vitals.
Picked up a few bonus hares on the walk home too