Reciver steel
Hi guys , Having a re think on the steel for my Sharps receiver , so where is your go to place for a chunk of steel for a receiver and they will cut to size for you. I`m looking for A I S I 8620 steel, around AKL . I think this would be the best type , good machining and it can be colour case hardened . I know 4140 would better, but It`s a bit hard for me to machine with no mill, and a over kill for a black powder rifle, Thanks, Guys, Homebrew.357.
I've bought shortish lengths of machined bar from RA Cotterill, 356 Rosebank Road. He's a small engineering shop, not a steel supplier but he might have what you are after. If you're on the shore, my mate Allan Reid is a toolmaker and might have something too or be able to tell you where to find it. AB Reid, Unit 8c, 89 Ellice Road Glenfield. He has a really nice mill.