So I could cram 24 grains of BP under the 210 grain heeled bullet
And outside to fire the first shot about 4 hours after I started
In that time I've stripped and reassembled the entire rifle
Cast the chamber and muzzle to get meaningful data to make the case from
Made the one reloadable case
First shot from a rough rest at 25m and of course safety glasses so not a perfect sight picture
Two more trips inside to deprime and reload the one case and this result
I think that's as good as you could ever hope to do first up.
Once I've made 20 reloadable cases it will be off hunting asap
Just think of it as being as effective as a sub sonic 44 magnum
And way cooler
It's around 8 pounds so a joy to shoot and being a Ballard it has a superb trigger at 3 pounds