You're doing really well for someone who thought they'd fuck it up! I do love macrocarpa, I bet your shed smells great now! Are you working off a plan or just sort of winging it?
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You're doing really well for someone who thought they'd fuck it up! I do love macrocarpa, I bet your shed smells great now! Are you working off a plan or just sort of winging it?
Winging the shit out of it so far!
Can't take all the credit this legends helped heaps. His 3-7min videos are just long enough for my attention span
Attachment 20351
Not trying to be mean Toby but what about grab another hunk of macra and do the inlet first.
What's his name? I might have to give this a go when I get my workbench set up. The stock on my American doesn't exactly scream "lovely homemade stock".
This is the test stock, I will redo one in walnut hopefully.
good job toby just shut thst screamnig baby up that you locked in the othe shed:yaeh am not durnk:
Good onya Toby. Great minds think alike. Have a piece of walnut on the way for my next one.
What baby dundee? All I heard was RRRRRRRRRRRNNNNNNNNGFHHHHHHGHGDGGF!!!!!!!!!!!! and a plume of macro dust was all to be seen.
Nah Im not a complete cunt yet I waited until it woke up.
I saw some walnut on trademe said they go as low as $60 iirc Might get a cheap one at a later date
got ya noisey bugger:D
So I made these things yesterday to mark where the holes need to go
Attachment 20389
Inletted most of the floor plate area but I can't get right up by the grip with the router so will use the mill later at dads work probably sunday
Attachment 20390
This isn't actually very straight I will get around to that later
Attachment 20391
Attachment 20392
I'll defiantly be remaking a stock out of walnut or something later for this gun but this stock has taught me what not too do and that is rush
Edit: anyone have brown die for bedding I can use? @Pointer is giving me some bedding stuff just need to brown die for it cheers
You bloody keep up the defiance. Im sure people will submit eventually. BTW I used black oxide powder in the bedding compound but you probably dont have much lying around.
@nevereadyfreddy. Use the emoticons mate, or it just sounds like you are having a sly dig at Toby`s typo. ;):)
I didn't even get what he meant. I googled defiance cause I thought that it meant bad and it came up with disobedience or something so I left it, fuck knows what he was talking about I thought
Sorry mate. got a bit carried away
Toby there's a place called Moxons timbers just up the rod from me, he sells exotic timber, let me know if you want list/ prices
Toby Moxons have some dry 2" American Walnut in stock FYI
How much @Maca49
Can someone explain what happened ^ there. I still have no idea what he was on about
If you are talking about Freddy, he picked up on a typo of yours and made a funny, you didnt get it, @Pengy is old and grumpy and Freddy appoligised. Not much to get me thinks :)
PS: I got it and had a wee chuckle ;)
I swap you that rifle for it when yo get it finished??? How many cube to you want, is this going to become a commercial op? The Wairoa Stockman??
I'm not getting rid of the gun and I wouldn't buy a stock off me if I was the last person in the world who had stocks to sell :D
Just after a cheap bit of wood -$100 is what I call cheap too. I have a couple of mates one with a cut down tree I can try cut blocks and dry and another who'll cut down a tree and I can dry it but that'll be years before I can use it
Nah all good, if I was you I'd be laughing even more for how long it took me to get it
Yeah, just ignore me. I`m just a grumpy old Penguin :)
Penguins don't get grumpy
ya wanna fuckin bet arsehole
Kidding !! :thumbsup:
As much as you try to be this
Attachment 20439
I still only see this
Attachment 20441
What about this....
Attachment 20445
Thats a Duck
Toby. If you want, PM your address and I will send you some of my black oxide to mix with your bedding resin. It only takes a little.
nahhh bloody pengy to me
So I finally found a few cracks that were in concerning places also I think because I copied a different stock then cut it out with checking the actual stock is the reason that this was too thin for the trigger guard
Attachment 20475
So I stopped wasting any more time on it and gave it an coat to see what the color would have been like. I reckon it would have looked rather nice if it was finished sanded properly and wasn't cracked.
Attachment 20476
Picture doesn't do it justice I think the light above me can be blamed for it but its a lot darker in person
Anyway was ok taught me what I need to know just need to find a decent bit of wood now
What is that red and black round thing on the floor in the last pic toby???
mums old vacume cleaner haha
I think 2SK means do you know how to use it :D