Noiwce... I like it.
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Noiwce... I like it.
It fits on the rifle and under pin slot is on , just have to get some .495" round balls and as I`m heading off on my 6/7 day hunting trip will give a proof test and see if I can hit a tree.
Attachment 85358, Its on .
Attachment 85359, Ready to go bang!!
Proof report, while I was away from K street and down in the bush I gave the .50 a proof test with 90gr 2f swiss and .490 p ball. At the same time I thought I would test a gizmo I had made that replaces the nipple in the muzzle loader. This is called a "magsparke , it screws in place of the nipple and takes a 209 rifle primer, the top screws off and primer is placed in then top screwed on, the top bit has a firing pin build in and this is what the hammer hits. So with gun loaded up and tired to a tree, lined up on another tree, me hiding behind larger tree, I pulled the string attached to trigger. The party went with a bang! all right and all was good, except the poor target tree,, :o , fire wood.
Attachment 86699, Magsparke, assy, right bit screws in to nipple hole.
Attachment 86700, primer sets in recess on top.
Attachment 86701, Top cap with f/pin screws on top, good to go.
So I'm getting that this is just a more reliable, cost effective and possibly weather resistant method?
I do like it just haven't seen it before
It`s more for the black powder subs that are harder to ignite I suppose, the old black is easily to set off and the #11 caps have been doing for a long time. Could be good when hunting in the wet ,but a bit fiddley in the bush and I`m all thumbs so would drop the top bit in the creek for sure. It was the challenge , I saw a pic of one so had to have a go.:).
As they say, " Put your money where your mouth is", so had a first sight test at the range today, 50ms ,.490" patched ball, 65grs 2f Swiss BLK . Online horizontally but 7 1/2" low, with the flip up sight on 100m, the highest one the last two shots under red patch. So worked out I need to remove .032" from top of front sight. So not to bad for home made barrel but bites the shoulder with the brass but plate. :o.
Attachment 87423, 11 shots, 50m.
plenty accurate enough,minute of deer to be sure.
Yer, certainly smacks out those lead balls and I think with the 20" barrel 70gr of 3f could be my maximum load as more it may end up being a flamethrower, but for deer in the bush and goat hunting would be plenty to get the job done. But decisions ,, do I take the Sharps or Hawken .45 barrel or the .50 barrel!!!, maybe the 3030, :huh:
Try less power to Doug
I use 40gn of 2f swiss for paper punching in my 50 very accurate and dose 100m fine
25 and 50 easy and much nicer to shoot than the big charges will even shoot game my mate uses this load for goats and says it kills fine
Way cheaper on powder aswell which is a massive bonus with the cost of the stuff
I`m afraid the hunting DNA is in my blood, so a good stout load to set the sights to is first up and then back to working up loads to see what it likes. As I made the fore sight my self no off the shelf one would fit in my dovetail slot and anyway I`m going to give the barrel a finial sanding as it needs rust browning for that 1864 look.
Had a sight recheck with my new .50 barrel after filing down the front sight, still low so a bit more off. But hot dam its shooting good for a home made barrel, at 50m 3 shots in a 1 1/2" group with two flyers and just a bit more load development and bore polishing with shooting should see it come right. It`s a bit embarrassing at the range, every body has the all the modem AK lookalike stuff with mufflers on , all is ok till I let loss with the .50 ," Bloody hell, what's that!!" :omg:
Attachment 89581, Coming on.
I still wanna see the hole in the tree!
OK, :sarge:.
Attachment 89623, BANG!!
Buggered if I could find the lead ball, such a waste.