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Thread: Ruger Mini 14 make over

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  1. #1
    Village Idjit Barefoot's Avatar
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    Bunji's Bach

    Ruger Mini 14 make over

    This project will be spread over a few weeks.

    In the beginning (otherwise known as a week ago)
    I was wandering through a family members gun room and there it was, his old mini 14. And I do mean old, it was built in 1979 and I vaguely remember it being in his hands since the early 90's.
    "Why do you still have that"?
    Never got round to selling it he said.
    "Didn't you used to have problems with it"?
    Yeah, the scope always worked lose and it never shot very well.
    "Well I could do with a semi for the goats at the moment how about I have a look at it for you . . . ."

    So I have a new project

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    Once over lightly it all looked good, then I cleaned it. OMG I don't think this has been cleaned since the first owner.
    So issues that clearly need to be resolved are:-
    Corrosion at the muzzle
    Alternative scope mount and scope
    Make it hit an A4 sheet at 100m (not kidding here, I remember what this thing shot like with the crappy scope and mount that was on it)

    After a few days trawling through the net a list of jobs have formed:-
    Cut the end of the barrel off and recrown it
    Bed the receiver
    Replace/modify the gas bushing
    Put some buffers on gas block and against the receiver.
    Scope mount and a scopethat can handle the vibration these rifles are known for.
    MAYBE a suppressor IF it shoots well enough with the other work

    A day later and I have ordered an S&K scope mount from the US as well as some 1911 pistol buffers.
    The old side mount scope mounts can work well apparently but the scope ends up high because it needs to clear the original peep sight, while the S&K replaces the rear peep sight altogether.
    and you get 6 pistol buffers for 1/2 the price of one custom mini14 recoil buffer.

    So while I wait for them to turn up from the states I think I will go find my hacksaw and 11 degree crown cutter that's hiding round here somewhere, after all there's a few showers today and it's stuffed up the spraying . . .
    Last edited by Barefoot; 14-02-2014 at 03:29 PM.
    veitnamcam, Bryan, Munsey and 5 others like this.

  2. #2
    Member Col.Whiplash's Avatar
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    That looks quite sensible.
    Mine was a consistent A4 shooter too so I choose something a little different. A 300 Whisper refit.

    This is what you shouldn't do (too much work) and is currently on my bench being finished.

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    Just completed the barrel profiling, chambered and suppressor thread. (easy bits)
    The pain full bits are the custom adjustable gas block and to a lesser extent the modified slide assembly to take the larger diameter barrel. To be done after I fit a DRO to the mill!
    Times like this when I think I need CNC.

    Be nice when finished but a lengthy project.

    I do have a new stock stainless barrel for a Mini-14 here if anyone needs one. (Came off a new rifle which was being fitted with an after market one)
    The D is silent, hillbilly!

  3. #3
    Member Col.Whiplash's Avatar
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    Yes, a Mini-14 revival, bring on the dancers.
    The D is silent, hillbilly!

  4. #4
    Village Idjit Barefoot's Avatar
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    Bunji's Bach
    Now that is a project Col.
    Maybe we should be turn this into the mini14 thread

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    HBC, NORTH of Auckland
    Looking forward to the end product Stu.

    Back in the country so let me know when you want to go after these goats

  6. #6
    Village Idjit Barefoot's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nibblet View Post
    Looking forward to the end product Stu.

    Back in the country so let me know when you want to go after these goats
    Its Parrie weekend next weekend, so weekend after that. Will be in touch.

  7. #7
    Member Beavis's Avatar
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    Find or make an accu strut

  8. #8
    Village Idjit Barefoot's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beavis View Post
    Find or make an accu strut
    Makes a lot of sense. Will have to make one though as a new one doesn't fit in the budget and planning to shortened the barrel off to about 15".

  9. #9
    Village Idjit Barefoot's Avatar
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    Update from the weekend:-

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    The Ruger is nice and easy to break down into parts

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    The centre bush is the standard gas bushing. It has now had a 3/32" spring roll pin inserted into it to reduce the gas flow. Yes it was a prick to fit.
    The combo allen key/socket on the right was made up so that the gas block bolts could be torqued up equally. For future reference its a 9/64" allen key.

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    Rifle waiting as the receiver bedding sets.
    Note the new short recrowned barrel at a smidgen under 15".

    Will steal the Hawke airgun scope of a .22 here to use as the scope.
    I now just need to be patient as I wait for the parts from the States, and remember how the rifle goes back together
    scottrods and Happy like this.

  10. #10
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    This will be an interesting project, I have owned two mini 14,s. One was the early 181 series that shot dinner size groups at 100m until I had it re barrelled with a heavy barrel then the groups hovered around an inch. Still own the newer 582 series with the tapered barrel which has surprised me and shoots the PPU ammo really well holds two inch groups and some times the occasional 1 inch group. The newer model has a much better rifle style stock(wooden) and even after removing the scope and refitting using the ruger rings when I switch to iron sight shooting it returns very close to the original zero.

  11. #11
    Village Idjit Barefoot's Avatar
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    Update - got a letter from Customs in the mail today saying I may need a permit to import. The letter is dated 21st so they have had the scope mount and buffers for a week.
    I'm guessing the letter is because the buffers I ordered are for technically for a 1911 pistol, but we will wait and see. I have replied to them politely

  12. #12
    Village Idjit Barefoot's Avatar
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    Update - Scope mount should be released from customs this week, but the pistol buffers will be binned. Apparently ANY pistol part needs a permit and as I don't have the right endorsement . . .
    So I'll just have to stop in at mitre10 tomorrow and browse the plumbing isle for a suitable washer to drill out.

  13. #13
    Tread carefully in the suck... ishoot10s's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Barefoot View Post
    Update - Scope mount should be released from customs this week, but the pistol buffers will be binned. Apparently ANY pistol part needs a permit and as I don't have the right endorsement . . .
    So I'll just have to stop in at mitre10 tomorrow and browse the plumbing isle for a suitable washer to drill out.
    Serial Killers have Wolff 1911 buffers.
    10MRT shooters do it 60 times, in two directions and at two speeds.

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Looking forward to the results of the next range shoot, mini14s are so much fun to shoot, not as accurate as the ar15 but still fun.

  15. #15
    Village Idjit Barefoot's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ishoot10s View Post
    Serial Killers have Wolff 1911 buffers.
    My experiences of SS in the last few years tend to run along the lines of - they don't have it when they said they did, they say they will order it for you and will ring you and they never do, you ring them to be told you never asked for it or they have already sold it.
    So I don't go there much anymore.
    Spanners, ebf and mayfly like this.



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