Sand Casting. Who's done / doing it ?
Just wondered who among us is up to speed on sand casting or actually doing it ?
Something I doubt I will get a chance to learn to do in this lifetime, but keen to find out who does it to make small gun parts or have the skills to make small gun parts.
Simple shapes and around 60x30x20mm and want to be cast in mild or low carbon steel
I will be visiting a Casting Shop in CHCH Wednesday to follow this up with them and get a ball park price on a couple of parts I need replicated reasonably urgently.
I need to find out shrinkage rates from original parts and how complex the parts can be.
I'm guessing you can blank out any negative details that wouldn't un mould from the sand.
I've been dealing with a company in the UK who do make some of the parts I want but they aren't intending making a run for some time and then there is the whole Gun Parts are dangerous thing and permits etc.
Cost is not the issue but timeliness is.
I've been dealing with the UK guys for 6 months and got nowhere
Now want to get these projects back on track