Im doing up an old but in good nick 243 savage for my son,Hoping to get him away from the computer.
The stock is pretty nackered and im having trouble finding a replacement.
Has anyone any ideas about where to start.
Im doing up an old but in good nick 243 savage for my son,Hoping to get him away from the computer.
The stock is pretty nackered and im having trouble finding a replacement.
Has anyone any ideas about where to start.
Hi, how knackered is the stock (photo?).
If getting it back to a nice oil finish is going to be impossible, and finding a replacement is proving hard(?) then one idea could be to use a fibreglass filler material like Nutech to fix and secure any breakages/heavy dings etc, sand it all back and paint it with a textured finish like DY-Mark or similar.
You'd be amazed what sins can be hidden with ''bog & paint'', just ask a panel beater
Its an old resin stock
Ive done some work to it but needs a proper paint job to handle the knocks and bumps
Whats Dy-Mark and how can i get some.
Cheers for your help.
DY-mark is just a sandy textured spray on paint. It's just something I've seen used in the past to give a bit of texture under the top coat (anti-slip). You could use anything you wanted to really?
Most paint finishes will wear eventually no matter if its Millspec or Duracoat. I've had great success with my Tikka M595 stock which was painted in 2Pac paint when I purchased it 8 years ago. The paint still looks new apart from a small wear point where my hand carries it just forward of the magazine.
Tikka M595 with 2Pac paint green/black speckled
On my Remington its just matt black paint from Repco. It can scratch up a little when abused pushing through thick Manuka/Gorse and the like, but they're still making matt black paint...And really it still looks great after a years work.
Rem700 matt black Repco paint
Or you could have a little fun like I did when I tried airbrushing for the first time.
Just playing with an old BSA single shot, but I learnt some new skills
Just go with what ever suits your needs, paint is cheap and you can always touch it up again later if need be.
Cheers .
sounds like a plan to start with.
Thanks will post a picture when im done.
I would forget about the existing stock, the cheapest and easiest replacement would be a Boyds. These finish really well and are easy enough to get into NZ (just keep the order under $100.00). BOYDS The World's Foremost Supplier of Hardwood Gunstocks.. You probably want the classic stock (although you could go thumb hole etc).
Thanks will look into that.
Does the total all up need to be under $100 includind postage.
Total excluding freight. Just the price of the stock.
I have the same in 308 with a wooden stock. They'll have to bury me with it.
thanks will look into that also.
I tried a2zoutdoors in usa and they told me they didnt know of anyone who sent them ex america.
Why is it that with boyds they will not process any international orders over $100 was keen on getting a walnut stock for my marlin but have to settle for laminate when I go to do the order. What sort of freight charges does it cost to get a stock over from the US?
To be a Human is to be an Alien, ask the animals, We invade this world and we are killing it, we are destroying the earth and nobody gives a fuck except for the animals
Shot my first deer with a 110.
I brought in a HS Precision carbon fibre stock for a Remmie from Brownells. Just a bit of paper work as it was $360 US, no major hassles. Brownells send you all the required paperwork. As long as the item manufacturer has the export license, Brownells can send it.
Welcome to Sako club.
Thanks that looks like an option also.
Will have a look at their website
Yeah my mate shot a 184 d score sika with it before he passed it on to me for Matt.
He missed bugger all with it