3 Attachment(s)
Shorty 10/22
Received a spare barrel from @Bushman (thanks again mate, really nice of you), so that gave me the nerve to go a little crazy with a hacksaw.
Hacksaw ended up doing a pretty below average job, even with a hose clamp to use as a guide, so a good 10mins in the vice with a flat file got the cut nice and square and moderately smooth.
Stripped the paint off, and a recoat with some etch enamel paint had laying about.
A touch to the bore with a dremel, and a good seeing to with wet&dry paper.
Still need to thread her for a suppressor so I don't look so much like i'm robbing a bank...
Attachment 253380Attachment 253381
Attachment 253382
Are you going to cut the fore stock back to behind the second vent leaving one vent left on the stock to make it more balanced visually and weight wise. Nice job on the muzzle.
Thinking once suppressor is back on should even things out... but I'll keep that in mind!
Yup, only put 10rnds through her but didn't miss a beat
Did you crown the muzzle (difficult to see in the photo). If so how?
The 10 shots you put through were to check accuracy? How was the grouping?
I ask because the accuracy wasn't there when I did a DIY crown job on my JW15. Ended up taking it to a gunsmith for threading and crown.
Just a light touch with a stone to get a slight recess around the bore rather than a proper crown to be honest. Then wet/dry paper to polish. Those 10 shots were with red dot at about 10m... was spot on, but that's hardly an idea on accuracy. Might pop a scope on and see how accurate she is when the weather behaves.
Only meant as a possum setup, but still be nice to know! Still have a factory barrel in case i've really screwed it up.