shotgun stock varnish
Im having some issues finishing my stock.
im using cabots cabothane clear, polyurethane oil vanish but cant get a even smooth finish.
if i apply it too thick it runs, the drips harden, i cant get rid of brush strokes and it has little bumps/peaks all over it.
if i apply it to thin it come out patchy and is still not smooth to the touch.
Any advice?
Do you have any checkering on the stock ?
Ensure that the sanding and surface prep is very good.
For splotching you can either use a commercial sanding sealer (Mirotone is my choice) or a diluted 1 pound cut shellac mixture as a sealer and blotch preventor.
Dilute the initial coats of varnish slightly until you get a consistent base to work on.
For brushing on the varnish, buy the best quality natural hair brush you can get...
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this might work for you. I had the same problem when its dry it was ruff to touch so what I did was got some 0000 steel wool and went over it as it dosnt remove the varnish. then used a car wax to bring the shine back. worked for me Attachment 29693
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3M make a synthetic steel-wool product, no risk of the fibres breaking off on the wood and rusting.
the grey pad is around 600grit
the white pad is around 1000grit
Most Mitre10's have it in the paint section