Has anyone made these before. I was thinking for the .22lr (just for looks) but sadly I dont have access to a lathe anymore. would it blow off do you think? Or if it was made to a tight fit would it be ok.
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Has anyone made these before. I was thinking for the .22lr (just for looks) but sadly I dont have access to a lathe anymore. would it blow off do you think? Or if it was made to a tight fit would it be ok.
You'd want at least a tap-on fit. I guess it depends if you ever want to take it off again?
Yeah I would probably want to take it off one day and get a suppressor on it but for now I was thinking a slip on muzzle break just to look cool.
Why oh why would you want a loudener on a 22lr, they are designed to reduce recoil, of which a 22lr has none.:wtfsmilie:
for looks.....
Is this along the lines of putting a bloody great wing on the boot of your mums corolla even tho it drops 30kmh off the top speed, makes it understeer,and increases fuel consumption buy a third cool or what?
They just look cool and its only a .22lr so I want to see if I can use it, if it makes it too shitty I will just take it off, at least it gives me something to make.
Make something usefull on a 22lr.......A suppressor!
I was thinking of it, But I would need my barrel threaded. I wouldn't trust it if it was only slipped on over the end of the barrel. But muzzle breaks still look cool and I want to make one. Maybe for a slug gun then.
Personally I wouldn't put anything on the end of a barrel that hadn't been turned up on a lathe. If your shit isn't concentric, and the projectile strikes your brake you are in for a hell of a fright.
Anyone wanna give me a lathe? :D I might see if I can go back and use the one at school. Im pretty good mates with the teacher.
Have you tried the coke bottle suppresor yet?
Nope when I was at home I never had any small bottles but I did keep a few from here to take back and try :D
Very helpful..
"bunny buster" (stupidest name ever) makes a slip on suppressor that looks neat. Has a collet and a tightening collar. Find them on trade me.
Nah I would prefer to make it my self so its something to do. Im still keen on a slip on muzzle break, google has showed some pretty good ideas.
I think that ''less is more'' when it comes to rifles. The less sticky out shit bolted to a rifle the better.
Its not a great idea bro. People are going to offer help in this becuase if it goes wrong it could be violent and potentially fatal. Im not having a dig or trying to smuther your enthusiasm .
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Say I did it right what velocity drops would I be looking at?
No lost velocity, but there is no way to do this right, because the idea is fundamentally Wrong
Whats wrong with it?
It adds zero function while making your rifle possibly unsafe, possibly detrimental to accuracy, definitely stupid.
Have you guys tried it or heard of it being done?
No, because it serves no purpose
Just spend $100 on a damn suppressor. Don't you have a bunch of guns?
yes I do. But I have no money at all atm and I cant start any work until after April next year. I have a suppressor on my semi but my barrel isn't threaded on the marlin for it.
So sell some guns, you can't use more than one and there's no point having a bunch of cheap ones that all do the same thing
No I dont want to sell any. they all have their purpose.
Just make a suppressor, will give you something to do, is easy enough on a 22lr, and will actually do something and not look wank;)
I was thinking of it, Using springs with washers in between them like the killwell one I have, seems easy enough and it works ok for what it is.
Hey Tobes, if you don't have the money for it rather spend your time and money on something that has a point and adds value, like reloading or ammo, muzzle brake for a .22 seems like a waste of time and money.
I guess, but I have done alot of reading over many pages on google and their is nothing to say it makes the performance worse. I just think they look cool. but a suppressor does kinda sound like a better idea as I do get something from it. only issue is my Marlin doesnt have a threaded barrel and im not so keen making a slip on suppressor like I am with making a slip on brake.
Make the money....then give it to Dan Hardy lol. Thats my plan anyway. I'm hoping a suppressor will stop the filthy looks i get when i shoot. A muzzle break would earn me a beating
I really dont know. just do.