Small project
Rainy crappy weather so needed to find something to do inside. Nothing amazing, I've got a few things sitting around idly so had a look a what I had. First a slazenger m55 that's had a rail fitted to it then a rummage around and I came up with some mounts and a period (sort of) tasco 4x40 scope, one with the old tv screen type view when you look through it. Threw it together to see how it felt and looked. Looks ok scopes clear but could do with lower mounts. Metal work needs a bit of a tidy up and reblue might even thread it for a suppressor, and while I'm at it may as well redo the stock. I just want to take it out and shoot it and make sure its ok in that department and then ill do the reblue and wood. After I've done that one I've got another aussie to do as well, a sportco semi.
Got any photos ?
Sounds like a cool project.
1 Attachment(s)
scope needs to be lower looks a bit ugly
These rifles have superb barrels made from surplus 303 blanks left over after the war. Can send you the full history of this model if you wish. Also have some spare parts.
Hi thanks @garyp that would be interesting to read. Id be interested in a couple of parts as well nothing major. Internally the barrel looks in good nick externally it looks like its been sitting in a shed or something a bit rusty and pitted. Ill give it a sand or scotchbrite and see wow bad it is. If pitting is a bit to deep to get out might look at a sandblast and recrown, thread and reblue.
Spent a bit of time on it after work the last couple of nights removed it out of the stock and took the trigger assy off the action. Could do with new screws there, turned down the muzzle and threaded for suppressor. Barrel has light pitting in the exposed places so will have to figure out the best thing to do there. One question tho. The sights and take down nut are dovetailed in, Do they only come out one way? Ill remove them to try and get a good bluing job