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Thread: The sooper dooper pig 300wsm project thread

  1. #136
    Unapologetic gun slut dannyb's Avatar
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    Quick update.....after making sure the barrel was free floated it became apparent that the bedding through the taper where the barrel meets the action is not a match none of it is touching the bedding at all I shot todays ladder anyway all seated at the "gravy" depth of 90thou off the lands. I did not hold great expectations after the bedding and free floating debacle.
    62gn shit group no velocities recorded due to chrono issues
    62.3gn shit group no velocities recorded due to chrono issues
    62.5gn slightly better group (around 1") but velocity down and heavy bolt which was expected, es was still really good 10-15fps.
    The chrono issues are now sorted but I was really pissed as the velocity data would've been nice as the grouping data was a complete bust.
    I had already resigned myself to the fact I would have to start my load developement from scratch and it seems that's where I'm at
    There have been some really silly things I have missed that I should have picked up on which pisses me off a little.
    Guess I'll start with another seating depth ladder once the bedding has been re done and go from there.....

  2. #137
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    I feel your pain mate......so I take it the action itself is still bedded ok just nothing around the knox area???????

    if you willing to be SLIGHTLY redneck I have a quick solution for you that will solve your issue and confirm or disproove bedding is the issue......

    take action out of stock..coat knox area with some grease or vasoline.......get your hot glue gun as hot as you can,till its dripping is good,then push big blob of glue into knox area as fast as you can,pushing the stick itself rather than trigger works well,then slap action down into place and hold it firmly for a few minutes....

    I have used this method to bed a bare rifle before with good results,you would have to fire a plurry big string of shots to get barrel hot enough to melt/move it...my wee .223 has been bedded this way for 20 years LOL....it still shoots tiny wee groups when I DO MY PART.
    dannyb likes this.
    75/15/10 black powder matters

  3. #138
    Unapologetic gun slut dannyb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Micky Duck View Post
    I feel your pain mate......so I take it the action itself is still bedded ok just nothing around the knox area???????

    if you willing to be SLIGHTLY redneck I have a quick solution for you that will solve your issue and confirm or disproove bedding is the issue......

    take action out of stock..coat knox area with some grease or vasoline.......get your hot glue gun as hot as you can,till its dripping is good,then push big blob of glue into knox area as fast as you can,pushing the stick itself rather than trigger works well,then slap action down into place and hold it firmly for a few minutes....

    I have used this method to bed a bare rifle before with good results,you would have to fire a plurry big string of shots to get barrel hot enough to melt/move it...my wee .223 has been bedded this way for 20 years LOL....it still shoots tiny wee groups when I DO MY PART.
    Appreciate the suggestion bud, I have left it with Zac (North Canterbury Gunsmithing) to re do the bedding. Either way the amount of contact the barrel had with the fore I'd be very supprised if it didn't skew my results.
    If it wasn't an irreplaceable Stug stock I'd have a crack at it myself, my only other attempt at bedding a rifle ended in disaster so will let Zac do this one. Either way it needs to be right or consistent results are more likely a result of luck rather than consistency.
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  4. #139
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    all good mate..... look forward to results when its done...

    and this weekend...thunderbirds are GO!!!!!
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    75/15/10 black powder matters

  5. #140
    Unapologetic gun slut dannyb's Avatar
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    Further update, picked up the rifle from Zac yesterday after he re did the bedding and he noticed the when he was fitting the action back into the stock the scope bases were loose and I mean very loose it would appear that somehow I forgot to locktite them when I changed back from the rail to the bases and they have worked themselves very loose yet another stupid mistake that has likely skewed any data I have got thus far.
    Bloody pleased that the bedding, free float and scope mounting is now sorted and it certainly explains why I have been struggling to get good results.
    I also picked up some 178gn ELDM'S that I'm gonna try as well, I really liked how they performed in my 30/06 and I should be able to get a little more velocity out of them in the wsm even with my 19" barrel

  6. #141
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    Quote Originally Posted by dannyb View Post
    Further update, picked up the rifle from Zac yesterday after he re did the bedding and he noticed the when he was fitting the action back into the stock the scope bases were loose and I mean very loose it would appear that somehow I forgot to locktite them when I changed back from the rail to the bases and they have worked themselves very loose yet another stupid mistake that has likely skewed any data I have got thus far.
    Bloody pleased that the bedding, free float and scope mounting is now sorted and it certainly explains why I have been struggling to get good results.
    I also picked up some 178gn ELDM'S that I'm gonna try as well, I really liked how they performed in my 30/06 and I should be able to get a little more velocity out of them in the wsm even with my 19" barrel
    I run the 178 ELDX in my mates WSM using Hodgdon superprofrmance around 2900 and something from a 20"

    Sent from my CPH2145 using Tapatalk
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  7. #142
    Unapologetic gun slut dannyb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 25/08IMP View Post
    I run the 178 ELDX in my mates WSM using Hodgdon superprofrmance around 2900 and something from a 20"

    Sent from my CPH2145 using Tapatalk
    Looking at Hornady load data you could probably push those even faster with Superformance they quote 3100fps with a book max load of 69gn of superformance. ....man I wish I hadn't sold all my superformance with the 30/06,
    2209 theoretically should provide 2950fps with a book max load of 62.5gn of 2209 granted these are seated to saami spec and out of a 24" barrrel.
    I reckon I'll be good for 2800-2850ish fps with my 2209 in my 19" barrel

  8. #143
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    Quote Originally Posted by dannyb View Post
    Looking at Hornady load data you could probably push those even faster with Superformance they quote 3100fps with a book max load of 69gn of superformance. ....man I wish I hadn't sold all my superformance with the 30/06,
    2209 theoretically should provide 2950fps with a book max load of 62.5gn of 2209 granted these are seated to saami spec and out of a 24" barrrel.
    I reckon I'll be good for 2800-2850ish fps with my 2209 in my 19" barrel
    I wondered when it would hit you about the superproformance.
    I've found i always hit pressure with 2209 before getting anywhere near the speed i wanted
    Hodgdon superprofrmance is where its at

    Sent from my CPH2145 using Tapatalk
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  9. #144
    Unapologetic gun slut dannyb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 25/08IMP View Post
    I wondered when it would hit you about the superproformance.
    I've found i always hit pressure with 2209 before getting anywhere near the speed i wanted
    Hodgdon superprofrmance is where its at

    Sent from my CPH2145 using Tapatalk
    Knew from the get go when I sarted researching 300wsm loads can't do much about it when I can't get the powder or rely on further stock being available if I did find a single tub. At least with 2209 I know that ADI will eventually come through with the goods.
    I have about 5-6kg of 2209 and I'm sure it will poke the eldms or the targex fast enough for what I want.
    All to often we get caught up chasing every last fps hell I'm a bc slut and a velocity whore at the best of times but no matter what a 178gn pill will sack reds with authority out to plenty far away at either end of 2800-2900 fps spread.

    Slim times with components at the moment gotta work with what I can get, I for one refuse to pay more than retail for components as I will not be part of the gouging that's going on either by buying and hoarding to sell at inflated prices or by paying too much thus creating demand and setting precedent. Likewise when I sell off stuff that isn't needed I sell it at fair prices or trade it like for like value.
    All to often you see stuff come up for sale on trademe and even here on occasion priced well above retail cause the sellers themselves have paid too much and want yo try and recoup their costs, personally if you paid more than retail well thats your problem you created by paying too much.

    Rant over that last bit isn't directed at you @25/08IMP

  10. #145
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    I know how you feel too often you see guys buying up stuff they don't need and then try and on sell to make a big fat profit.
    Just leave it for others who need it.

    Sent from my CPH2145 using Tapatalk

  11. #146
    Unapologetic gun slut dannyb's Avatar
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    Tripped over some 178gn eldms so i have loaded up a ladder cause i love these pills and my experience using them in the 30/06 was very positive, hopefully ring a little more velocity outta the wsm than i was getting in the 06 but even if I don't they will do the buisness.
    The 178eldm is what i would've picked right from the get go if i could find them when i started.
    At mag length thay are touching the lands so i have started at 20thou off which has worked well in multiple other rifles.

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    I still have a couple hundred targex 190gn if i decide to play with them again

  12. #147
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    oh well, the targex will shoot pretty darn well with your best attempts so far.. would be a shame,to NOT at least try another group of five with your best guess loading of them,for shits n giggles...... you never know,they may just grab you by nuts and scream USE ME BABY!!!!!! at some point,and at least you be confident they will work as will have load already sorted.
    75/15/10 black powder matters

  13. #148
    Unapologetic gun slut dannyb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Micky Duck View Post
    oh well, the targex will shoot pretty darn well with your best attempts so far.. would be a shame,to NOT at least try another group of five with your best guess loading of them,for shits n giggles...... you never know,they may just grab you by nuts and scream USE ME BABY!!!!!! at some point,and at least you be confident they will work as will have load already sorted.
    I will definitely tinker with them....its in my nature not to leave well enough alone

  14. #149
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    that 600 yard wallaby.......oh yeah BABY!!!!!!!!
    Trout and 7mm Rem Mag like this.
    75/15/10 black powder matters

  15. #150
    Unapologetic gun slut dannyb's Avatar
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    Finally got out to the range and got some consistent results.
    Shot 6 different charge weights and all bar the lowest shot under an inch but surprisingly there was no POI shift as the velocity increased, the only change was the groups tightening up.
    Best group .36" 3 shots at 100y @2788fps with an ES of 14fps.

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    So relieved to finally get some consistent results, granted having the free float and bedding sorted would have helped and likewise the scope being torqued down would have helped immensely.



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