4 total @Tuidog do you want me to type up my prosess? I don’t just slap it on
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4 total @Tuidog do you want me to type up my prosess? I don’t just slap it on
Blueing prosess @Tuidog
I use buchwood casy super blue
Apparently it’s stronger than other options But you’re stuff should work but may require more coats
1st remove all rust and finish from the parts part or Area you were going to re blue
I like a wire wheel on my bench grinder (be gentle) just get it back to bright steel and no more
For smaller parts birch wood casy blue and rust remover is bloody good just follow the instructions
Don’t polish the parts the finish a wire bush leaves is perfect as long as you haven’t put deep scratches or gouges in it
Clean the parts with alcohol it is very important that the parts are free of any trace of oil or Greece even the oil for your hands can affect it so I suggest you Wear gloves
Wet a small rag with you blueing Solution And wipe the parts you want the parts to be damp with the solution
Let the parts dry for about 5 minutes If it’s hot it will be quicker
I actually put mine on the heater
As the solution drys you will see a thin film of Oxidation (Rust) forming on the Surface sometimes white sometimes brown
Once you have a very thin film over the hole part
Wipe the film of with 0000 steel wool (it doesn’t take much)
After you take the film off You can now see the colour
Clean the part with Alcohol again and repeat the prosess
Keep repeating the cycle until you reach the Colour you want you want
And do it one more time for luck as it cures a little lighter
Normally 3-4 cycles of clean, Solution, wait for the film, wipe with steel wool, clean and repeat
Once you’re happy coat with a good rust Preventing oil use gun oil
Not crc or anything silly i use lucas clp
Keep it wet with oil for a couple of days as the steel absorbs a lot of oil and if it drys out it will rust and ruin the work
Tip: for smaller parts such as screws i dip them in the Solution just pour some in the lid of the bottle
Let the Solution drip off then let dry
Tip 2: don’t do to much at once better off to do your parts in batches otherwise you end up leaving solution on to long etc etc It just gets stressful
What’s the geuss on speed people
I got given 40 rounds of factory ammo 20 federal and 20ppu Not in original boxes but looking at them id say 140’s
Keeping in mind it’s got a 15-16 inch barrel Suppressed
Its in getting thread changed from 5/8x24 To 1/2x20 can do this without shorting the barrel further and
It was alot cheaper than new suppressor
Once its back I’ll run it over the crony
So just a bit of a friendly contest to see the best Geuss
I’ll start im thinking 2100fps for the ppu
And 2000fps for the federal
fast enough to kill any old deer at hundy yards... 2150 federal..PPU 1975
Good job on the clean up. I love those Swedes I only have three of them at the moment, yours looks like it might have been a M-94 what's the date on the receiver?
1905 buddy
The barrel step is the give away there as to age my pick is 1906
1905 marty 1 year off
I would have been typing that when you posted the date ha ha