Great diy job and thanks for sharing! How finicky is the cerakote? Does it require much prep to get a good bond?
Great diy job and thanks for sharing! How finicky is the cerakote? Does it require much prep to get a good bond?
Na it was a pretty simple process. No bead blasting or anything required . Literally clean the surface I used turps - let it dry. I then suspended the the action and barrel by running decoy thread through the barrel out the ejector and hanging it off a meat hook. Gave the can a good shake and sprayed away. did two coats . Left it for half an hour between coats. Then when mum went out made some wire loops . One through the ejector port and out the bolt end and the other around the supressor thread. ( obviously didnt coat the supressor thread) . Suspended it from and oven tray and baked away at 150 deg for half an hour . Job done . If an inept office worker like me can do it anyone can !