That is the pinnacle of great woodwork. Beautiful!
That is the pinnacle of great woodwork. Beautiful!
Great craftsmanship. Taking orders?
Cursed be the ground for our sake. Both thorns and thistles it shall bring forth for us. For out of the ground we were taken, for the dust we are... and to the dust we shall return.
@Magnus if you’ve got a project in mind we can talk turkey for sure.
very very nice- what calibre is this one @Tuidog ?
Here we go again…
Made a decent start on the latest stock. This one is for a Zastava .223 I have, that was going to be a 6x45. Will stay a .223 for now, because I’ve already got one 6x45. The ultimate plan was to build this stock and sell it off to recoup some costs of a .358 that I’m having built. It’s a nice piece of walnut, so hopefully I can resist keeping it when it’s done!
there are only two things guns fear
rust and politicians
Back onto the new stock after a week out of town with work.
Got the bottom metal inletted to 95% depth, and action inletting begun. Going well so far
Talented individual. Keep us informed on progress please!
Back from hunting, and spent a few hours on the inletting today. Action inlet roughed out and into the fine work to get a nice snug fit.
Bit more progress this weekend.
Action and barrel now inletted down to the right depth. Happy with the fit, could be slightly tighter but pretty good.
Pillars made up ready to fit, and made the effort to ‘time’ the action screws, because it’s the small things that matter.
Once the pillars are glued in up against the action, just a simple matter of fine tuning the bottom metal inlet to match the pillars, and this part is done. Shaping next, the fun part!