2 Attachment(s)
Wooden stock build
Thought I would have a crack art building a stock for my 22 as the original was a bit plain.
Unfortunately did take any photos of progress.
Started with a log of acacia that had fallen and was kind of dryish. Cut into a rough alan with a chain saw and left by the fire for the winter.
Roughed out the shape I wanted using the same lop as the original. Then traced out the shape I wanted. Drilled the barrel channel with a large auger bit so that I would split this when I cut the final shape. After I had cut out the final shape I pretty much got to work with a grinder with sanding discs and carved out the shape I wanted.
Went down in grit size then finished by hand and then buffing oil. A quick bedding job with hot glue seemed to do the job well enough. A bit rough but it seemed to work well.
Pretty happy with the result.
Attachment 132038
Attachment 132039
definately diferent look......very nice indeed,reminds me of a TC single in its shape.
Certainly nothing wrong with that.
Looks great and the acacia finished up pretty sweet.