Xmas projects
Sorry cant do pics any more. Got a sportco 22lr semi with a pretty rooted barrel but was able to save enough of it to keep it legal length. Chopped barrel to 12" and fitted a 1.75-5x28 tasco on it i had sitting around took it for a test fire yesterday and it shoots fukn good. So thats my new possum gun mrs saw it and had a look and decided she wants one as well. Saw one at gun city @Rushy might know it a mint looking little mossberg semi its already quite short and to good nick to chop put a weaver 3x9 on it for her. Off to sight it in tomorrow and go possum shooting tomorrow night.
Awesome [emoji41]
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I've been trying to get another 22 myself but can't get it past the missus. The kids have claimed my marlin papoose as theirs and the missus has claimed the bolt marlin , 795? I think is model , so they are all happy but apparently I am not allowed my own 22... typical.
And just discovered why the missus new howa 7.62x39 , after nearly 2 boxes of ammo and 2 different scopes isn't shooting straight after 2 rounds. The shop had given us a 7 mm suppressor and after 2 rounds the barrel would warm enough to move slightly and we got baffle strike.
So new 30cal sup on now so bush tomorrow for three days or so.....
Can't wait , I am getting hunting/bush time withdrawal
i run 30 cal supressors on all my rifles even tho they are way under 30 cal i dont think it makes much difference and no chance of baffle strike. Going to thread the cut down sport co and probably run my 30 cal can on it
Fair call. Unfortunately all our suppressed rifles are carried at the same time so just swapping from one rifle to the other isn't really an option. And the 338 can is the size of your average kitchen rubbish bin so that wouldn't be practical either on a bush gun. But the shop fronted up when we showed them they cocked up and gave us a refund so fitted a dpt this time so all good.
Now she wants to cut the barrel back to shorten up the rifle and drop a bit of weight and I am overjoyed , she was never into guns but has really taken to the idea and really enjoying it so to hear her wanting to modify it is music to my ears and she is starting to understand my addiction and why I am always changing things which is a complete 180 to how it used to be.
thats a good outcome lucky it wasnt a 22cal one. Most of my rifles are 14x1 and ive got 2 mae compact 30s that go on them
Took the new semis out yesterday and last night tidyed up the chamber on sportco from dry firing and it ran sweet. Mrs northdudes mossy ran sweet as well its not fussy with ammo might just see if i can improve trigger on it..