I dont doubt his soldiering qualities but, it is to me, annoying with the way his short time in a reserve unit is thrived upon. I know a couple of ex 22 regs that feel the same.
How can the standards and criteria be the same from fulltime to part-time? Impossible when you only serve a month or 2 total out of a year and some modules are 3-6 months long for regular troopers.
So therefore the standards required have to be different. Would you take your rifle to a full or part-time smith?
Aussie SAS got removed from the same status as 22 and 1 SAS for similar paradeing. I deal with an Aussie reserve SAS member everyday, that is a complete knob so maybe I am biased. He wears a peak cap with the wings and dagger on it everywhere. Most regulars I know, never showpony their membership in the unit. Only people close to them know what they do and sometimes they dont.