any recommendations for a book on nz bush craft, something my kids use to experiment with shelter building lighting fires etc. be good to have a solid base to work off
any recommendations for a book on nz bush craft, something my kids use to experiment with shelter building lighting fires etc. be good to have a solid base to work off
I have one of these - good basic stuff
how to survive in the bush on the coast and in the mountains of NZ...A very old MSC book that is chocker block full of stuff.
if my memory serves me correctly it was written by a RAF pilot who crashed in remote country and walked out...realizing the need for manual for others to follow.
It was written by Flight Lieutenant B. Hildreth who was my fathers cousin I don't think he was flying the crashed plane plane in the Alps which is pictured in the first page of the book and it was first published by the Government printer in 1962. It was and still is one of the best books about how to survive in NZ. You see it in second hand book shops .
NZ Deerstalkers Assn used to run very good bushcraft weekends for junior members. Contact your local branch to see if they still do it, and if not, why not?
Contact your nearest NZ Mountain Safety Council office- they sell an excellent "Bushcraft" manual. It's not expensive.
Yes, and they run weekend courses as well.