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  • 6 Post By LarryB

Thread: NZ GAC hunting community/facilities map

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2022

    NZ GAC hunting community/facilities map

    Hey folks - I work at the Game Animal Council building education, and we've built a 'hunting community map'. It’s in beta. The goals of it are to:
    • Help hunters find places to sight in safely (ranges)
    • Find clubs
    • Find competitions (hunting opportunities)
    • Find meat donation groups (so if you feel like hunting to feed your wider community you can find it)
    • Find citizen-science jaw-drop projects (so if you want to contribute your harvest to that monitoring, you can do so)

    It’s never going to be ‘complete’, but ideally a forever updating thing, based on received community input. We've done what we can populating it up to get started, but I thought I’d throw it out to the forum here and see if the forum’s collective knowledge want to get involved building it into a useful resource.

    I think it'll only work if the hunting community sees value in keeping it updated, otherwise it's a dead duck. To request items to add, there's a button on the map to create an email.

    What do you think? I'm all ears for improvements etc. on the forum here, but for items to add/edit, please use the map thing as I'll lose track if updates are all over the place.
    7mmwsm, Shearer, Nickoli and 3 others like this.
    Better Hunting: free online NZ hunter education from the NZGAC.
    (I work there in education; all views on NZHS just my own unless explicitly said otherwise)



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