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Thread: Online hunting 'eScout' multi-map linking tool - any thoughts to improve?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2022

    Online hunting 'eScout' multi-map linking tool - any thoughts to improve?

    I've put this little hunt planning map tool together. It's a work in progress destined for the Better Hunting dashboard but I thought I'd share the BETA build and see if you much better and more experienced hunters have any ideas about improvements.

    Basically, I like planning hunting trips to new areas ('eScouting'), but getting to the same spot to check different attributes of that area between different maps is a bit of a faff. So this wee tool is a relatively simple javascript thing that takes the latitude and longitude from your 'pin click' and creates URLs to other useful maps for hunt planning, pin-pointing that spot.

    What do you think? Is this a useful thing? Is there anything that would add more usefulness for hunters and hunting? Other or better websites to link that I don't know about?

    Things I am aware of/trying to improve:
    - The NZ Topo Map developer is kindly looking into enabling showing their recreational hunting layer on this embedded map version, so you can see it on the master 'pin map'.
    - I have enquired to the DOC GIS crew re. linking to their hunting map with lat/long in the URLs as that'd be extremely useful. Currently it isn't possible (to my knowledge)
    - I know new tabs/windows is a pain with open-all, that popup blockers allow only one to open, and that google app tabs don't keep their names so can't be over-written with new clicks and/or closed by the 'close all' button. I think that's all IT stuff that just needs to be worked around.
    - on mobile, my Google earth/Google maps try to open in the apps so don't work so hot. Fine on desktop.

    Any thoughts? I'm all ears to improve it. Hopefully the boffin/s at NZTopo and DOC can help the two items above. With what I can achieve there, and any updates from the brains trust here, eventually I'll put it on Better Hunting's main page/hunting dashboard as another useful tool for NZ hunters along with the hunting and ballot calendar and trip intentions tool. Any thoughts/improvement ideas while I'm working on it? Thanks everyone!
    Last edited by LarryB; 08-01-2024 at 12:13 PM. Reason: Thought I should add signature/affiliation disclaimer!
    rupert, Shearer and nickbop like this.
    Better Hunting: free online NZ hunter education from the NZGAC.
    (I work there in education; all views on NZHS just my own unless explicitly said otherwise)

  2. #2
    Member Happy Jack's Avatar
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    Just had a very quick play that's pretty good, pity the google earth stuff for Nelson area seems to be mainly shot in the dark. But being able to open the wams maps and change the basemap to images without having to scroll in and take a punt straight from a single click is fantastic.
    Happy Jack.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2021
    yeah, that seems really handy, being able to jump straight to google earth or outdoor access is great

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2024
    I've had a good play with this link now, very cool and look forward to seeing where you take it to.
    PS I did the Better hunting Aotearoa course on line as a refresher from being absent from tramping and hunting for so long and it was very well done.

  5. #5
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    Apr 2022
    Thanks guys - and Northerner, thank you - chuffed to hear that

    The multi-map thing is up on the Better Hunting dash now, same link - and I have updated it. Added another OAC/WAMS map, the property one - as a separate button/tab map option. The OAC property map defaults to the aerial basemap. This is probably quicker/handier for quickly checking the veg at a site, rather than turning the aerial basemap on once you're on the OAC hunting map (which defaults with topo basemap).

    The OAC property map doesn't show public hunting zones so it's not super useful if you start zipping around with it, but as a 'one-click-aerial-snapshot' it's handy, and I can start the zoom in nice and close (unlike Google Earth which has you in the stratosphere).

    The NZTopo guy got the DOC hunting layers onto the embedded map for me (legend) so while the DOC hunting map is still a gap, it is of less consequence.

    Thanks again - any ideas (or ways to take a click out), still all ears!
    Better Hunting: free online NZ hunter education from the NZGAC.
    (I work there in education; all views on NZHS just my own unless explicitly said otherwise)

  6. #6
    Member 199p's Avatar
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    Looks good to me man, handy way to have many resources in one easy place
    LarryB likes this.
    Konus binoculars " The power to imagine"

  7. #7
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    OAC aerial is nearly too good....be scared to take a leak out in open now LOL.... slow to load on my laptop but very handy wee system being able to go direct to where you want to see.
    would be a good to have sticky perhaps???
    LarryB likes this.
    75/15/10 black powder matters

  8. #8
    Member 199p's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LarryB View Post
    Thanks guys - and Northerner, thank you - chuffed to hear that

    The multi-map thing is up on the Better Hunting dash now, same link - and I have updated it. Added another OAC/WAMS map, the property one - as a separate button/tab map option. The OAC property map defaults to the aerial basemap. This is probably quicker/handier for quickly checking the veg at a site, rather than turning the aerial basemap on once you're on the OAC hunting map (which defaults with topo basemap).

    The OAC property map doesn't show public hunting zones so it's not super useful if you start zipping around with it, but as a 'one-click-aerial-snapshot' it's handy, and I can start the zoom in nice and close (unlike Google Earth which has you in the stratosphere).

    The NZTopo guy got the DOC hunting layers onto the embedded map for me (legend) so while the DOC hunting map is still a gap, it is of less consequence.

    Thanks again - any ideas (or ways to take a click out), still all ears!
    IS there a way to run off the green hunting area overlay on the main page?
    Konus binoculars " The power to imagine"

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2019
    Yea this is really useful, well done mate
    LarryB likes this.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by 199p View Post
    IS there a way to run off the green hunting area overlay on the main page?
    Thanks guys. @199p good question. You prompted me to add that this morning. (Kinda knew I should, but if no-one was going to use it I couldn't legitimise spending more time on it!)

    - made default setting not have the park popover label info
    - added checkboxes and 'apply' to add/remove the hunting areas overlay and info labels
    - added quick-link to DOC permit system

    Let me know if it does anything funny for you. I haven't haven't tested across browsers etc
    199p likes this.
    Better Hunting: free online NZ hunter education from the NZGAC.
    (I work there in education; all views on NZHS just my own unless explicitly said otherwise)

  11. #11
    MB is online now
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    Could the poisons map be overlaid on the open hunting areas map?

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by MB View Post
    Could the poisons map be overlaid on the open hunting areas map?
    That's an awesome idea @MB.

    I'll look into that, but I suspect it is getting a bit flash for this thing. Everything on this base map is coming through and from NZtopomap.co.nz and URL params on the map there so it can only do so much before you get into proper GIS software type requirements. I hoped I could link to a location on the poisons map like the others, as a stop-gap cheap-and-cheerful solution to that idea, but the poisons map can't jump to a location via URL params
    MB likes this.
    Better Hunting: free online NZ hunter education from the NZGAC.
    (I work there in education; all views on NZHS just my own unless explicitly said otherwise)

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2022
    @MB, I spoke too soon! Thanks to Tairawhiti District Council's online maps having share options and using the same software as DOC's pesticide map I've sussed it.
    Added DOC's Hunting map and DOC's pesticide map to the links. I know it's mostly zoomed in too close, but easier to zoom out from a known location than try and find your location from high up.
    Micky Duck and MB like this.
    Better Hunting: free online NZ hunter education from the NZGAC.
    (I work there in education; all views on NZHS just my own unless explicitly said otherwise)

  14. #14
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    Apr 2015
    the aerial photo is really scarey when zoom right in on home..can see the washing on clothsline!!!!!
    75/15/10 black powder matters



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