Online hunting 'eScout' multi-map linking tool - any thoughts to improve?
I've put this little hunt planning map tool together. It's a work in progress destined for the Better Hunting dashboard but I thought I'd share the BETA build and see if you much better and more experienced hunters have any ideas about improvements.
Basically, I like planning hunting trips to new areas ('eScouting'), but getting to the same spot to check different attributes of that area between different maps is a bit of a faff. So this wee tool is a relatively simple javascript thing that takes the latitude and longitude from your 'pin click' and creates URLs to other useful maps for hunt planning, pin-pointing that spot.
What do you think? Is this a useful thing? Is there anything that would add more usefulness for hunters and hunting? Other or better websites to link that I don't know about?
Things I am aware of/trying to improve:
- The NZ Topo Map developer is kindly looking into enabling showing their recreational hunting layer on this embedded map version, so you can see it on the master 'pin map'.
- I have enquired to the DOC GIS crew re. linking to their hunting map with lat/long in the URLs as that'd be extremely useful. Currently it isn't possible (to my knowledge)
- I know new tabs/windows is a pain with open-all, that popup blockers allow only one to open, and that google app tabs don't keep their names so can't be over-written with new clicks and/or closed by the 'close all' button. I think that's all IT stuff that just needs to be worked around.
- on mobile, my Google earth/Google maps try to open in the apps so don't work so hot. Fine on desktop.
Any thoughts? I'm all ears to improve it. Hopefully the boffin/s at NZTopo and DOC can help the two items above. With what I can achieve there, and any updates from the brains trust here, eventually I'll put it on Better Hunting's main page/hunting dashboard as another useful tool for NZ hunters along with the hunting and ballot calendar and trip intentions tool. Any thoughts/improvement ideas while I'm working on it? Thanks everyone!