Hoskings was taking the piss out of Labour about their ridiculous claim about Act.
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What I find appalling is the police minister is still calling semi autos assault rifles, there is a difference but you can’t let the truth get in the way of a good story can you….
Fixed it for you haha
And point of order for the Police Minister, the type of gun most commonly used in mass shootings overseas is the handgun. Not sure where she's getting her bullshit advice from - probably the same place that advises on the use of language.
there is an old saying...if you aim for the moon and hit the stars you have still goone high....or some such thing hard to interperit acient Chinese in cracked rice paper
if the policy contains a few bits that are too hard to swallow so get axed...its like deliberately putting a dead light bulb in indicater lens when going to garage for wof..... you provide SOMETHING to be removed/found/fixed and the other guy is happy they have had a win..and you still get what you wanted in first place.
by including all semi centrefires we might if all stars align possibly,just maybe,end up with enclosed magazine/blind magazine 5 shot on endorsed licence...... but IF anything like that was to happen.the wiggle room would need to be slammed shut tighter than a fishes arsehole so we didnt end up with same fiasco we had before....it would take it back to the INTENT of law changes after Aromoana event....
The argument at the time was that semi-auto centerfire wasn't the bogey man that it was portrayed as, and true to form the majority of the gun crime isn't due to the now limited prohibition firearms it's the rank and file shotguns and easy to modify to make them more concealable firearms.
The bog standard argument that semi autos were designed simply to kill people was something to create fear and fear creates support, the facts of it are - if people didn't decide they needed to kill other people before the other people killed them we wouldn't have half of the tech we do now. I have also pointed out, that people are mammals too - which stopped more than one or two rabid anti gunners in full cry.
JC!! just read that load of rubbish. Ginny Anderson needs re boring with something if she thinks that there is even a modicum of truth to those words.
Outrageous lies, fear mongering and an outright attempt to mis lead people.
Says something for her, and her party that they would print such bullshit.
What a bunch of losers.